cURL JavaScript PHP


Welcome to the Bithomp API!

Bithomp API endpoints will give you access to information on addresses, NFTs, usernames, validators, services and more.

This API is built to complement the rippled API.

We have language bindings in Shell, JavaScript and PHP. You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

Supported networks

XRPL MAINNET:, get your api key here

XAHAU MAINNET:, get your api key here

XRPL TESTNET:, get your api key here

XRPL DEVNET:, get your api key here

XAHAU TESTNET:, get your api key here

Price and Limits

Bithomp API is FREE on the test networks!

For the mainnets we have the following API plans:

Tier Max requests / minute Max request / 24h NFT content plan Price / month
Free (non-comercial use) 10 2K Free 0
Basic 100 30K Start 30 EUR
Standard** 400 120K Basic 100 EUR
Premium** 1000 300K Basic 250 EUR
Enterprise** 2000 600K Basic 500 EUR
Enterprise II** 4000 1.2M Standard 1000 EUR
Enterprise III** 8000 2.4M Premium 2000 EUR
On-demand** N/A N/A Start 0.001 XRP or 0.03 XAH per request

** On that plan the NFT, NFTs, NFT offers endpoints returns assets with direct URLs to cached and resized images and videos.

NFT Content Plans

Direct access to fast [resized and cached] images and videos:

Tier Max Images day / month Max Videos day / month Max Thumbnails day / month Price / month
Free (non-comercial use) 500 / 10K 100 / 2K 2K / 20K 0
Start 1K / 20K 300 / 6K 5K / 50K 0
Basic 5K / 100K 1.5K / 30K 25K / 250K 60 EUR
Standard 10K / 200K 3K / 60K 50K / 500K 100 EUR
Premium 20K / 400K 6K / 120K 100K / 1M 200 EUR


30th of January 2025

The new query parameter: ids was added to the AMMs API end-point. Now you can get a list of AMMs by their IDs. (Available for the Standard plan and higher).

28th of January 2025

A new query parameter: bithomp was added to the Address API end-point.

That will return avatar link for an address and a status of Bithomp Pro.

22nd of October 2024

A new endpoint was added:

Token Balances

Get the list of token balances for a specific address. For Xahau it also includes locked balances (Token escrowed balances).

27th of September 2024

A new endpoint was added:

NFT Collection

Get the latest information for a specific NFT collection, name, descriptions, when it was created and updated, get the floorPrice on the open market and NFT marketplaces in all available tokens. Get the statistics for the collection, like the current number of NFTs, owners, and count of buyers and traded NFTs for the last 24 hours, week, month, or year.

23rd of September 2024

A new query parameter: collectionDetails was added to the NFT and NFTs API end-points.

You can get detailed information about the collection of the NFT (including the assets).

A new query parameter: collection was added to the NFTs and NFT Sales API end-points.

You can search for NFTs and NFT Sales by a specific collection (including Sologenic collections).

20th of September 2024

A new endpoint was added:

NFT Collections

Search for a specific collection by name, description, issuer or get an ordered list of NFT collections.

26th of August 2024

The new list option: collections was added to the NFT Volumes Extended API end-point. Now you can get a list of NFT collections with their extended data like floorPrice, statistics and assets (collection preview images).

16th of August 2024

The new query parameter: ids was added to the NFTs API end-point. Now you can get a list of NFTs by their IDs. (Available for the Standard plan and higher).

15th of August 2024

The new query parameter: limit was added to the NFTs API end-point. Now you can limit the number of NFTs returned and even return more than 100 NFTs in one request if you have a Standard plan or higher.

The new query parameter: assets was added to the NFT Offer, NFT Offers and NFTs API end-points. Now you can get the direct URLs to cached and resized images and videos inside NFT offers and NFT lists.

10th of August 2024

Five new query parameters: sellOffers, buyOffers, history, offersValidate, and offersHistory were added to the NFTs API end-point. You can get an extensive data for the list of NFTs in one request. (Available for the Premium plan and higher).

23rd of June 2024

A new endpoint was added:

Tx Details Get transaction details.

25st of April 2024

A new endpoint was added:

AMMs Get the ordered list of AMMs.

Two new query parameters: ledgerIndex and ledgerTimestamp were added to the AMM Pool API end-point. Now you can get AMM data for a specific ledger index or timestamp.

21st of April 2024

A new endpoint was added:

AMM Pool

15th of April 2024

The new query parameter: order was added to the NFT Distribution Now you can order NFT owners by count of total, self-issued or non-self-issued NFTs.

20th of February 2024

A new endpoint was added:

Account Activations

19th of February 2024

Two new endpoints were added:

NFT Mint Chart

NFT Sales Chart

16th of February 2024

Two new query parameters: buyer and seller were added to the NFT Sales API end-point. You can search for sales by a specific buyer and/or seller.

Direct URL examples

XRPL Explorer

NFT explorer

AMM explorer

Username registration


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
// With javascript, you can just pass the correct header with each request
// Include jquery in order to use $.ajax or rewrite to vanila.js

function bithompRequest(url, callback) {
    url: url,
    type: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json",
    headers: {
      "x-bithomp-token": "abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
    success: function(result) {
    error: function(error) {
      callback({"error": "error occurred"});

bithompRequest("api_endpoint_here", callback);
//replace callback with your function to process a received json

function curl_bithomp($url) {
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
  $output = curl_exec($ch);
  return $output;

print curl_bithomp("api_endpoint_here")

Make sure to replace abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd with your API key.

Unless you are using our on-demand option, in order to use our APIs you need to request an API key via the partner portal.

Bithomp expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd


To use our on-demand option, no API key is required:

All subsequent paths, query strings, etc, remain the same. In addition, add a payment claim with enough value using the following button. The XRPL API only supports XRP payments. The Xahau API only supports XAH payments. After retrieving your payment claim (a json), embed it into request headers using the header key: Payment-Claim.

After preparing your payment claim:

# Define a payment claim and submit it as part of your API request
curl -H "Payment-Claim: $PAYMENT_CLAIM"

const PAYMENT_CLAIM = JSON.stringify({
  account: "my-classic-address",
  destination_account: "rLggTEwmTe3eJgyQbCSk4wQazow2TeKrtR",
  authorized_to_claim: "94875",
  signature: "a-signature",
  channel_id: "a-channel-id"

fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'Payment-Claim': PAYMENT_CLAIM
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

$paymentClaim = json_encode([
  "account" => "my-classic-address",
  "destination_account" => "rLggTEwmTe3eJgyQbCSk4wQazow2TeKrtR",
  "authorized_to_claim" => "94875",
  "signature" => "a-signature",
  "channel_id" => "a-channel-id"

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
  "Payment-Claim: $paymentClaim"

$response = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
  echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
} else {
  echo $response;


Get username for an address

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "address": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
  "xAddress": "X7WZKEeNVS2p9Tire9DtNFkzWBZbFtJHWxDjN9fCrBGqVA4",
  "username": "Bitstamp"

This endpoint retrieves a username for a requested XRPL address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
address The XRPL address, can be r-address or a X-address

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
username false If set to true, the result will also include a username (rippletrade or bithomp).

Get address information by a username

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "address": "rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY",
  "xAddress": "XV5sbjUmgPpvXv4ixFWZ5ptAYZ6PD2gYsjNFQLKYW33DzBm",
  "inception": 1513126312,
  "username": "xrptipbot",
  "service": {
    "name": "XRP Tip Bot",
    "domain": "",
    "socialAccounts": {
      "twitter": "xrptipbot"
      "facebook": null,
      "youtube": null,
      "instagram": null,
      "linkedin": null,
      "reddit": null,
      "medium": null,
      "steemit": null,
      "telegram": null
  "verifiedDomain": "",
  "parent": {
    "address": "rDsbeomae4FXwgQTJp9Rs64Qg9vDiTCdBv",
    "xAddress": "XV3oNHx95sqdCkTDCBCVsVeuBmvh2du1vBfJR24EqdgwHDW",
    "inception": 1481884572,
    "service": {
      "name": "Bitstamp",
      "domain": "",
      "socialAccounts": {
        "twitter": "Bitstamp",
        "facebook": "Bitstamp",
        "youtube": null,
        "instagram": null,
        "linkedin": null,
        "reddit": null,
        "medium": null,
        "steemit": null,
        "telegram": null

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested Username.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
username A bithomp or an old rippletrade username

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
service false If set to true, the result will also include Service details.
verifiedDomain false If set true, the result will include a verifiedDomain if such exists.
hashicon false If set true, the result will include hashicon which can be used in img's src="" or in css, as background's url. (The icon is the same for x-address and r-address, such hashicons used in ToastWallet and Bithomp.)
parent false If set to true, the result will include the same info for a parent account.



curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "order": "createdOld",
  "marker": "16E5DAA100000001",
  "amms": [
      "ammID": "51DFB0A87FF1606C4413D1E7581FF969C41D53A1B142B5A9FD91A1AE478F92F2",
      "createdAt": 1711138371,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 86795283,
      "createdTxHash": "BDCC35ED3EEA1F6E4AC76C21395F98239BACF9D59708CF3A4560830FF734AEF7",
      "updatedAt": 1711138371,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 86795283,
      "updatedTxHash": "BDCC35ED3EEA1F6E4AC76C21395F98239BACF9D59708CF3A4560830FF734AEF7",
      "account": "r4Xt6n57NW1qEgm3RhZrYE7uTdzkCy8eqL",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "ownerNode": "0",
      "amount": "236219041",
      "amount2": {
        "currency": "XSG",
        "issuer": "rXSGuKAkUGkPL6iUMJWX1Fi5bogsVYPMs",
        "value": "12.70007695950302",
        "issuerDetails": {
          "username": "XSGCoin",
          "service": "XSGCoin"
      "tradingFee": null,
      "auctionSlot": {
        "account": "rXSGjb9nTn46LZh8PEgeRXKd239AYuZHa",
        "accountDetails": {
          "username": null,
          "service": null
        "discountedFee": null,
        "expiration": 1711224770,
        "price": {
          "currency": "03880B1D8FC30AA9E81656479E7C98A18A912373",
          "issuer": "r4Xt6n57NW1qEgm3RhZrYE7uTdzkCy8eqL",
          "value": "0",
          "issuerDetails": {
            "username": null,
            "service": null
      "lpTokenBalance": {
        "currency": "03880B1D8FC30AA9E81656479E7C98A18A912373",
        "issuer": "r4Xt6n57NW1qEgm3RhZrYE7uTdzkCy8eqL",
        "value": "54772.2557505166",
        "issuerDetails": {
          "username": null,
          "service": null
      "voteSlots": [
          "createdAt": 1711138371,
          "createdLedgerIndex": 86795283,
          "createdTxHash": "BDCC35ED3EEA1F6E4AC76C21395F98239BACF9D59708CF3A4560830FF734AEF7",
          "updatedAt": 1711138371,
          "updatedLedgerIndex": 86795283,
          "updatedTxHash": "BDCC35ED3EEA1F6E4AC76C21395F98239BACF9D59708CF3A4560830FF734AEF7",
          "account": "rXSGjb9nTn46LZh8PEgeRXKd239AYuZHa",
          "accountDetails": {
            "username": null,
            "service": null
          "tradingFee": null,
          "voteWeight": 100000

This endpoint returns a list of AMM pools.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
order createdOld in which order the AMMs should be returned (createdOld, createdNew, updatedOld, updatedNew), currencyHigh - if you need to sort it by Asset1 or Asset2 balances, then specify also the sortCurrency parameter
sortCurrency null If you want to sort by Asset1 or Asset2 balances, make sure order is set to currencyHigh and sortCurrency is set as for example XRP
sortCurrencyIssuer null currency issuer for sortCurrency in case of an IOU
voteSlots true change to false if you do not need voteSlots to reduce the response size
auctionSlot true change to false if you do not need auctionSlot to reduce the response size
limit 100 The number of AMMs to return. (More than 100 is available for the Standard plan and higher).
marker null (available on paid plans only) The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of AMMs
ids null (Available for the Standard plan and higher) A list of AMM IDs separated by commas (max 100), to get information about specific NFTs. Formats: ids=abc,def, ids[]=abc&ids[]=def or ids=abc&ids=def.

AMM Pool

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "ammID": "C55741BDA5F2590DD0F0EF7F620F133C0B73C382A8987068CA2DD886D99FD3B5",
  "createdAt": 1711139081,
  "createdLedgerIndex": 86795469,
  "createdTxHash": "A23BEB55D660AD02755CFCDAB1D34A3DAD6B84519A77C10932CC158626F4EDA3",
  "updatedAt": 1713700900,
  "updatedLedgerIndex": 87461194,
  "updatedTxHash": "622E376CDE8DC6B80DCDF2C7C8590A0281FC01885F617EDAADE223B39BE17B00",
  "account": "rUGqgPbzKFVsSkTYUk4hdRoPwTaLv1iSDS",
  "accountDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "ownerNode": "0",
  "amount": "13820630640",
  "amount2": {
    "currency": "7853504543544152000000000000000000000000",
    "issuer": "rh5jzTCdMRCVjQ7LT6zucjezC47KATkuvv",
    "value": "173068.8207730273",
    "issuerDetails": {
      "username": null,
      "service": null
  "tradingFee": 290,
  "auctionSlot": {
    "account": "rpGhdshAMiVYPei3FtusVTPndijbpdATna",
    "accountDetails": {
      "username": null,
      "service": null
    "discountedFee": 29,
    "expiration": 1713301051,
    "price": {
      "currency": "03DD35D1879DBE4FE3290B911A14875DE6534DFD",
      "issuer": "rUGqgPbzKFVsSkTYUk4hdRoPwTaLv1iSDS",
      "value": "5000",
      "issuerDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
  "lpTokenBalance": {
    "currency": "03DD35D1879DBE4FE3290B911A14875DE6534DFD",
    "issuer": "rUGqgPbzKFVsSkTYUk4hdRoPwTaLv1iSDS",
    "value": "6591411.572091643",
    "issuerDetails": {
      "username": null,
      "service": null
  "voteSlots": [
      "createdAt": 1712859131,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87242106,
      "createdTxHash": "D4D6ED2059242EC15B8E3FEE95BD0BBD803C7446D4A45FD3D3DC2ACF2845155A",
      "updatedAt": 1713675981,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87454715,
      "updatedTxHash": "6F50879E1FE149F54833110E21100888897FF53274226DEE5027DFE0F3E75BE3",
      "account": "rpSw2Z5Rj7envE1reaD3K1As1pcjND4n7J",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 300,
      "voteWeight": 17649
      "createdAt": 1713042481,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87289771,
      "createdTxHash": "FEBCDB280FC220AFF5E113EA7C2A73955DAD79F01F603F2E60BA00A247D17CB5",
      "updatedAt": 1713398941,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87382534,
      "updatedTxHash": "7EFE2737FD5B939A66AAEF15AB3D6D5EFB0EBC8F9F0601E6A2209B7610B633FC",
      "account": "rsQUooXEaA6KXAZdwuNJ934MyMQmTEDnpt",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 470,
      "voteWeight": 0
      "createdAt": 1712853831,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87240726,
      "createdTxHash": "77E804B23F474B43EB799CBDC86399A6747FDE5087445AE27C32735540E73410",
      "updatedAt": 1713675981,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87454715,
      "updatedTxHash": "6F50879E1FE149F54833110E21100888897FF53274226DEE5027DFE0F3E75BE3",
      "account": "rpNmRsusXxqJoaDny4B3nVTqwkE1xDEDGt",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 90,
      "voteWeight": 913
      "createdAt": 1713398941,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87382534,
      "createdTxHash": "7EFE2737FD5B939A66AAEF15AB3D6D5EFB0EBC8F9F0601E6A2209B7610B633FC",
      "updatedAt": 1713675981,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87454715,
      "updatedTxHash": "6F50879E1FE149F54833110E21100888897FF53274226DEE5027DFE0F3E75BE3",
      "account": "rDqtfMeAZJsJYDjn1J267qwY28rdC6arUp",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 470,
      "voteWeight": 6
      "createdAt": 1712875191,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87246288,
      "createdTxHash": "391E10042E943BAD87BE96684C60FC69402A440184CD9975A0F64A2248280136",
      "updatedAt": 1712904090,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87253816,
      "updatedTxHash": "D8596802B8026AC6A84AE5D416B41C874EF16CD815BFB693470C27EF54A0E816",
      "account": "rupNhB3cLLzuc5V3kqVwkquBDKVUYftbX",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 750,
      "voteWeight": 0
      "createdAt": 1713675981,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 87454715,
      "createdTxHash": "6F50879E1FE149F54833110E21100888897FF53274226DEE5027DFE0F3E75BE3",
      "updatedAt": 1713675981,
      "updatedLedgerIndex": 87454715,
      "updatedTxHash": "6F50879E1FE149F54833110E21100888897FF53274226DEE5027DFE0F3E75BE3",
      "account": "rwDX9EJd9p5UNCaPpYoczd4opRpqEhSW4G",
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "tradingFee": 500,
      "voteWeight": 5

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested AMM pool.

HTTP Request

GET<ammID || LPtoken || address>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LPtoken LP token currency code
address AMM account address

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
ledgerIndex null ledger index (if set the request will return data for that ledger index)
ledgerTimestamp null ISO timestamp or unix timestamp (if set the request will return data for that timestamp)

NFT (XLS-20)


curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "flags": {
    "burnable": false,
    "onlyXRP": false,
    "trustLine": false,
    "transferable": true
  "issuer": "rwzGnXc31zAeSQiKgGqFiJJcALhy8TUqb8",
  "issuerDetails": { 
    "username": "3DAPES", 
    "service": "3DAPES" 
  "nftokenID": "000813886D8D6DAC402E0D27297E9485F4D7E1125D656678258B866100000018",
  "nftokenTaxon": 10194,
  "transferFee": 5000,
  "sequence": 24,
  "owner": "rpL8hpPgdep5MrWCFfWx2qupiAhtPrMcJu",
  "ownerDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "uri": "68747470733A2F2F626166796265696734676876366263666B6E746B793234616564667A6B757276366C746A6476736763623575736E77336A736965736D68706769652E697066732E7733732E6C696E6B2F6D657461646174612E6A736F6E",
  "issuedAt": 1666885020,
  "ownerChangedAt": 1666885052,
  "deletedAt": null,
  "assets": {
    "image": "", 
    "preview": "", 
    "thumbnail": "",
    "video": ""
  "history": [
      "owner": "rXMART8usFd5kABXCayoP6ZfB35b4v43t",
      "changedAt": 1666885020,
      "ledgerIndex": 6860081,
      "txHash": "453C088321BA9AFCB59B1B7B79790E5ECF53EF969B95845C494604E26C51E848",
      "marketplace": ""
      "owner": "rpL8hpPgdep5MrWCFfWx2qupiAhtPrMcJu",
      "changedAt": 1666885052,
      "ledgerIndex": 6860093,
      "txHash": "103F0D35348C58D9E5301EED79906ED3CDBBD44EFFF65857BE8BFFD572F617A8",
      "marketplace": ""
  "sellOffers": [
      "amount": "850000000",
      "index": "B54B49719DC80B40D66E229FC02CC5DABF7D4496B395F87C369FA6235AA6B37E",
      "owner": "rGJn1uZxDX4ksxRPYuj2smP7ZshdwjeSTG",
      "destination": "rM3UEiJzg7nMorRhdED5savWDt1Gqb6TLw",
      "expiration": 1582437632,
      "createdAt": 1582437132
      "amount": {
        "currency": "534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "issuer": "rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz",
        "value": "10000"
      "offerIndex": "E992835C148C9EAA7A93EABDD397A84333F27F99DA386255378A3C16A8B0DEF3",
      "owner": "r9spUPhPBfB6kQeF6vPhwmtFwRhBh2JUCG",
      "expiration": null,
      "destination": null,
      "createdAt": 1670721431,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 76344438,
      "createdTxHash": "616CAAAC1C737C964C4A3B27DEAFE2F172D5A82FDD9342A1F5C677ACABC5AE7B"
  "buyOffers": [
      "amount": "935000000",
      "offerIndex": "3D47DA5CE9E4D9DB7D8D1FE78E9E1ECA19D8DE21A29C78FD95A856ADF2472674",
      "owner": "rN5wU5VpqfxZ5q9duP3EhP8rw8y9xR1TNL",
      "destination": "rM3UEiJzg7nMorRhdED5savWDt1Gqb6TLw",
      "expiration": 1582437632,
      "createdAt": 1582437132,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 76332437,
      "createdTxHash": "616CAAAC1C737C964C4A3B27DEAFE2F172D5A82FDD9342A1F5C677ACABC5AE7B"

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested NFT.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
uri false If set to true, the result will include uri and url.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)
sellOffers false If set true, the result will include sellOffers.
buyOffers false If set to true, the result will include buyOffers.
history false If set to true, the result will include history.
metadata false If set to true, the result will include metadata.
offersValidate false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
offersHistory false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each result will include historical offers which are already accepted or canceled.
convertCurrencies null (Only available on paid API plans) the list of currencies to convert amount to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the for history response will have an array amountInConvertCurrencies
collectionDetails false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each nft will include collectionDetails with the collection details. if parameter assets is set as true, you will also get assets in the collectionDetails.

NFT Offer

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "nftokenID": "00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DFE9E08966000018B7",
  "offerIndex": "3E8E975E0CFDF2EDE76E0925EB4393A1899061047DE1F46F0DEEA783F5F1A673",
  "createdAt": 1671813891,
  "createdLedgerIndex": 76627086,
  "createdTxHash": "C78692F7CE2B6D207E12BAF28BBE7BAD4D5553FEFCAC81A49FA0D7F2B6295AFD",
  "account": "rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX",
  "owner": "rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX",
  "destination": "rpZqTPC8GvrSvEfFsUuHkmPCg29GdQuXhC",
  "expiration": 1672009200,
  "amount": "1800000000",
  "flags": {
    "sellToken": false
  "canceledAt": 1672062241,
  "canceledLedgerIndex": 76690834,
  "canceledTxHash": "BE00F6A40D399D66E15C5698A9F583A47FA79D47DB9E7D5B158679C97E95C202",
  "nftoken": {
    "flags": {
      "burnable": false,
      "onlyXRP": false,
      "trustLine": false,
      "transferable": true
    "issuer": "rpbjkoncKiv1LkPWShzZksqYPzKXmUhTW7",
    "nftokenID": "00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DFE9E08966000018B7",
    "nftokenTaxon": 52,
    "transferFee": 7000,
    "sequence": 6327,
    "owner": "rhrvq8Bfn1NwQQDDProJY4F822DNbcQGj2",
    "ownerDetails": {
      "username": "XPUNKS",
      "service": "XPUNKS"
    "uri": null,
    "issuedAt": 1671616340,
    "ownerChangedAt": 1672061721,
    "deletedAt": null,
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {
      "dna": "81165c5b185d49e57302b8bf936ba66ded1a195476f35fc74d2d8c8d638d0c1f",
      "name": "XPUNKS #5658",
      "description": "The XPUNK collection consists of 10,000 uniquely generated characters on a 24-by 24-pixel canvas. They are distinguished by their colourful traits and trademark X-mouth that represents their love for the XRPL.",
      "image": "ipfs://QmUdz7aunEkMKWjTKT71QiJeKRX3MQSDC1chDUcyhwuYQ1",
      "imageHash": "1591d36c09c3340569582379574b8e899b550daa0d7bfecfe648fba469aaa2ee",
      "edition": 2687,
      "date": 1667163549733,
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "Face",
          "value": "Male 3"
          "trait_type": "Eye Characteristics",
          "value": "Fresh"
          "trait_type": "Eyes",
          "value": "Black Right"
          "trait_type": "Neck Wearable",
          "value": "No Attribute"
          "trait_type": "Hair & Hats",
          "value": "Bandana"
          "trait_type": "Facial Hair",
          "value": "Thick Beard Blonde"
          "trait_type": "Eye Wearables",
          "value": "Sunglasses in Hair Black"
          "trait_type": "Mouth Attribute",
          "value": "Pipe Old School"
          "trait_type": "Piercings",
          "value": "No Attribute"
      "schema": "ipfs://QmNpi8rcXEkohca8iXu7zysKKSJYqCvBJn3xJwga8jXqWU",
      "nftType": "art.v0",
      "collection": {
        "name": "XPUNKS",
        "description": "The XPUNK collection consists of 10,000 uniquely generated characters on a 24-by-24-pixel canvas. They are distinguished by their colorful traits and trademark X-mouth that represents their love for the XRPL."
    "issuerDetails": {
      "username": "XPUNKS",
      "service": "XPUNKS"
    "ownerDetails": {
      "username": null,
      "service": null
  "accountDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "ownerDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "destinationDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "issuerDetails": {
    "username": "XPUNKS",
    "service": "XPUNKS"

This endpoint retrieves NFT Sales Volumes for specified parameters

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
nftOfferID An NFT Offer ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)


curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "owner": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME",
  "ownerDetails": {
    "username": "Zerpmon",
    "service": "Zerpmon"
  "nfts": [
      "flags": {
        "burnable": false,
        "onlyXRP": false,
        "trustLine": false,
        "transferable": true
      "issuer": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME",
      "nftokenID": "0008138874D997D20619837CF3C7E1050A785E9F9AC53D7E8542EAAC00000011",
      "nftokenTaxon": 0,
      "transferFee": 5000,
      "uri": "697066733A2F2F516D627169774D736D6B4C6971794473465A664D534D566465464A674D4139514A626D735131636F4D32564343452F382E6A736F6E",
      "url": "",
      "sequence": 17,
      "issuerDetails": {
        "username": "Zerpmon",
        "service": "Zerpmon"
      "assets": {
        "image": "", 
        "preview": "", 
        "thumbnail": "",
        "video": ""
      "metadata": {
        "name": "Purrf",
        "description": "Zerpmon is an original collection of digital collectible creatures that live on the XRPL, with each one being a unique 1 of 1 art piece. The Zerpmon project is fueled by a passion for high-quality art and in-depth story telling. For more information on the vision of Zerpmon, visit",
        "image": "ipfs://Qmf52STemfXu79ovVAdjRneb7kKdtYJNvzYjoxWubbu4Vx/8.png",
        "attributes": [
            "trait_type": "Zerpdex Number",
            "value": "Zerpmon Collab #8"
            "trait_type": "Type",
            "value": "Fairy"
            "trait_type": "Evolution Stage",
            "value": "Collab"

This endpoint retrieves a List of NFTs for specified parameters

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
owner null The address of the Owner
collection null The collection ID (optional), can be used for Sologenic collections (specify an issuer), and for standard collections instead of using issuer and taxon, in the format: issuer:taxon, if specified you will get also collectionDetails in the root with the collection details.
issuer null The address of the Issuer
taxon null Taxon for that Issuer (optional, will be ignored without an Issuer)
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)
hasMetadata false set to true, to list NFTs only with available metadata
hasImage false set to true, to list NFTs only with available media data (preview images can be generated from images, videos, pdf files and 3d models)
includeDeleted false set to true, if you want result to include deleeted NFTs
mintedByMarketplace null Here you can specify a minter from to filter your search by minter project.
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFTs
list nfts (Only available on paid API plans) can be set to onSale to get the list of NFTs with active sell offers
destination all (Only available on paid API plans) used to filter NFTs for sale list=onSale, can be set as an address (to specify a particular MarketPlace), public, knownBrokers, publicAndKnownBrokers, all
order null (Only available on paid API plans) used to order NFTs: 1. for list=nfts, can be mintedNew and mintedOld, 2. for list=onSale, can be offerCreatedNew, offerCreatedOld, priceLow, priceHigh
currency null (Only available on paid API plans) used to filter NFTs for sale list=onSale, can be XRP or any other currency code.
currencyIssuer null (Only available on paid API plans) A currency issuer for the currency if it is not an XRP.
issuedAt null (Only available on paid API plans) It can be used to show NFTs which were minted during some period of time. A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year, or 1671490800000..1671663600000 - period or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z, to show from specific date till now: 1671490800000.. or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..
deletedAt null (Only available on paid API plans) It can be used to show NFTs which were burned during some period of time. A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year. or 1671490800000..1671663600000 - period or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z, to show from specific date till now: 1671490800000.. or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..
sellOffers false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set true, the NFTs will include sellOffers.
buyOffers false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, the NFTs will include buyOffers.
history false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, the NFTs will include history.
offersValidate false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, each NFT offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
offersHistory false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, each NFT will include historical offers which are already accepted or canceled.
limit 100 The number of NFTs to return. (More than 100 is available for the Standard plan and higher).
ids null (Available for the Standard plan and higher) A list of NFT IDs separated by commas (max 100), to get information about specific NFTs. Formats: ids=abc,def, ids[]=abc&ids[]=def or ids=abc&ids=def.
collectionDetails false (Available for the Paid plans) If set to true, each nft will include collectionDetails with the collection details. if parameter assets is set as true, you will also get assets in the collectionDetails.

NFT Offers

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "owner": "rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX",
  "list": "offers",
  "ownerDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "nftOffers": [
      "nftokenID": "00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DF41D3BA2E0000017F",
      "offerIndex": "84148E4C12F401F72767033BC13170AFC92B222B3D1365D1D59ED5A4193DD2C1",
      "createdAt": 1667359001,
      "createdLedgerIndex": 75471736,
      "createdTxHash": "899B95BD4D0F8D4DE80DAB145919D3FF55788CB9C25E25DB7B3755F7B6AA7293",
      "account": "rDbkpaT4jk5F17CqL11muJzzwhZtCStyg5",
      "owner": "rDbkpaT4jk5F17CqL11muJzzwhZtCStyg5",
      "destination": null,
      "expiration": null,
      "amount": "1500000000",
      "flags": {
        "sellToken": false
      "nftoken": {
        "flags": {
          "burnable": false,
          "onlyXRP": false,
          "trustLine": false,
          "transferable": true
        "issuer": "rpbjkoncKiv1LkPWShzZksqYPzKXmUhTW7",
        "nftokenID": "00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DF41D3BA2E0000017F",
        "nftokenTaxon": 52,
        "transferFee": 7000,
        "sequence": 383,
        "owner": "rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX",
        "uri": null,
        "issuedAt": 1667268851,
        "ownerChangedAt": 1667403840,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "url": "",
        "metadata": {
          "dna": "e48265739a191624244a717e9b233a11553d703af0e82739784f78f9d332a789",
          "name": "XPUNKS #383",
          "description": "The XPUNK collection consists of 10,000 uniquely generated characters on a 24-by 24-pixel canvas. They are distinguished by their colourful traits and trademark X-mouth that represents their love for the XRPL.",
          "image": "ipfs://QmdPgX2nHd91TYQ3uY8kyqNCciXxfqp3ATVrwWfiAfZiJo",
          "imageHash": "71db5411810b661b150ee05b7e19f12a3e0022b2a256f7a255679a5dce7ad487",
          "edition": 1482,
          "date": 1667163506360,
          "attributes": [
              "trait_type": "Face",
              "value": "Male 4"
              "trait_type": "Eye Characteristics",
              "value": "Tired"
              "trait_type": "Eyes",
              "value": "Dark Brown Right"
              "trait_type": "Neck Wearable",
              "value": "Chain Gold"
              "trait_type": "Hair & Hats",
              "value": "Afro Hair Orange"
              "trait_type": "Facial Hair",
              "value": "No Attribute"
              "trait_type": "Eye Wearables",
              "value": "Clubmasters Vision Glasses"
              "trait_type": "Mouth Attribute",
              "value": "No Attribute"
              "trait_type": "Piercings",
              "value": "No Attribute"
          "schema": "ipfs://QmNpi8rcXEkohca8iXu7zysKKSJYqCvBJn3xJwga8jXqWU",
          "nftType": "art.v0",
          "collection": {
            "name": "XPUNKS",
            "description": "The XPUNK collection consists of 10,000 uniquely generated characters on a 24-by-24-pixel canvas. They are distinguished by their colorful traits and trademark X-mouth that represents their love for the XRPL."
        "issuerDetails": {
          "username": "XPUNKS",
          "service": "XPUNKS"
        "ownerDetails": {
          "username": null,
          "service": null
      "accountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "ownerDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "valid": false,
      "validationErrors": [
        "Insufficient funds on the buyer account"

This endpoint retrieves NFT Offers created by an address or NFT Offers for all NFTs owned by that address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
address The XRPL address or a username.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null default - to list all owned NFT offers, counterOffers - to list NFT Offers for all NFTs owned by the address, privatelyOfferedToAddress - to list all NFT offers where the address is specified as destination (brokers, private offers, nft transfers).
nftoken false If set to true, each offer will include nftoken data, including metadata.
offersValidate false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)

NFT Collection

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "type": "xls20",
  "floorPrice": true,
  "assets": true,
  "statistics": true,
  "collection": {
    "collection": "ra59pDJcuqKJcQws7Xpuu1S8UYKmKnpUkW:1",
    "name": "xSPECTAR",
    "family": "8888",
    "description": null,
    "image": "QmWyX21PY7DDLpEPNqAyEcLKASEJznVKiB9VrUCwvEmZBc",
    "createdAt": 1670361970,
    "updatedAt": 1671008552,
    "issuer": "ra59pDJcuqKJcQws7Xpuu1S8UYKmKnpUkW",
    "issuerDetails": {
      "address": "ra59pDJcuqKJcQws7Xpuu1S8UYKmKnpUkW",
      "username": "xSPECTAR",
      "service": "xSPECTAR"
    "taxon": 1,
    "floorPrices": [
        "open": {
          "amount": "139000000"
        "private": {
          "amount": "49250000",
          "destination": "rpZqTPC8GvrSvEfFsUuHkmPCg29GdQuXhC",
          "destinationDetails": {
            "username": null,
            "service": "bidds"
        "open": {
          "amount": {
            "currency": "7853504543544152000000000000000000000000",
            "issuer": "rh5jzTCdMRCVjQ7LT6zucjezC47KATkuvv",
            "value": "10000"
        "private": null
    "assets": {
      "image": "",
      "preview": "",
      "thumbnail": ""
    "statistics": {
      "owners": 1622,
      "nfts": 8887,
      "all": {
        "buyers": 900,
        "tradedNfts": 3167
      "day": {
        "buyers": 7,
        "tradedNfts": 7
      "week": {
        "buyers": 19,
        "tradedNfts": 52
      "month": {
        "buyers": 74,
        "tradedNfts": 272
      "year": {
        "buyers": 316,
        "tradedNfts": 1086

This endpoint retrieves NFT Collection details, including floor price, sale statistics, owner count etc.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
collectionId The collectionId in the format issuer:taxon for Standard collections or issuer for Sologenic collections. (you can find collection ids in the NFT Collections endpoint)

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
statistics false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, returns statistics with owner count and NFT count for the present time, it also includes count of buyers and traded NFTs for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or 365 days.
floorPrice false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, returns floorPrices with the lowest price for the NFT collection.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for NFT collection image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)

NFT Collections

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "type": "xls20",
  "order": "createdNew",
  "search": "zerpmon",
  "collections": [
      "collection": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb:223",
      "name": "Ripple Effect - Side A (Tsunami Pack)",
      "family": null,
      "description": "Official Ripple Effect Album NFT with additional files and whitelist snapshot done on 2/23/2024 for all eligible XRPL NFT holders to receive a free NFT or more than one! As of 2/23/2024 if you own NFTs from the following XRPL projects you are eligible to mint this NFT for free!  Astute Scholars, XTAPES, 2023 = 322 NFT (Album), PixelXSkulls, Proof Of Stake NFT (Song), Tree Faces, Zerpmon, XBOT, Shemitah NFT (Song), Donnie, Rich Ducks Club, Enigmatic Ducks, XSpectar, Schmeckles, Astrals, Wahine Punk, XAliens, Power Zerps, JNKZ, Retro Punks, XZombie, Regulator Punk, Monkee Monkee and Chilled Chimps.  WHOA WHOA!",
      "image": "bafybeiaeywa575ijibphzcxgpyaamjlbflquht63zku2knhvkfavmagrvu/ripple effect side a nft2 animation.gif",
      "issuer": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb",
      "issuerDetails": {
        "address": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb",
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "taxon": 223,
      "floorPrices": [],
      "assets": {
        "image": "",
        "preview": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
      "collection": "rH1phNM38p2Eva5fZV1rvdGdycKLdKiLtJ",
      "name": "Lil Ninja X Zerpmon",
      "family": null,
      "description": "The collection called “Lil Ninja X Zerpmon” reserved for collaboration auction with the legendary Zerpmon! This collection features Lil Ninja X with Zerpmon inspired attire and background scenery! Lil Ninja X NFT&#x27;s are awarded 1 point per Gold Piece in the monthly Rewards System which gives 25% of Sales Profits back to Holders, every single month as Rewards in XRP! This also contributes to your ranking on the LIL NINJA X Elder Scrolls of the Greatest Ripple Ninja Warriors.",
      "image": "bafybeigbkt6dalehmyojobqt7lpt5y42abzjqav6qvdyotasuc7btanr3a/image.jpeg",
      "floorPrices": [],
      "assets": {
        "image": "",
        "preview": "",
        "thumbnail": ""
      "collection": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb:0",
      "name": "Zerpmon",
      "family": null,
      "description": "Official Zerpmon Song LemFT",
      "image": "bafybeigk5btpufwykocb2tosmbk3stfjijlmec6puk5ys5pvkfhdx4eita/thumbnail_Image-1 1600.png",
      "issuer": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb",
      "issuerDetails": {
        "address": "rBNmfMkbqnWzht5tv7ndYm23FEE1LrbfUb",
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "taxon": 0,
      "floorPrices": [
          "open": null,
          "private": {
            "amount": "589000000",
            "destination": "rpx9JThQ2y37FaGeeJP7PXDUVEXY3PHZSC",
            "destinationDetails": {
              "username": "xrpcafe",
              "service": ""
      "assets": {
        "image": "",
        "preview": "",
        "thumbnail": ""

This endpoint retrieves NFT Collection list for your search creterias.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
order createdNew (optional) createdNew, createdOld, updatedNew, updatedOld (order list by the date when the first or last NFT was issued).
search null (optional) search by NFT Collection Name and Description.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for NFT collection image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)
floorPrice false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, returns floorPrices with the lowest price for the NFT collection.
issuer null (optional) The address of the NFT Collection issuer (also works for Sologenic issuers).
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFT collections
limit 100 The number of NFTs to return. (More than 100 is available for the Standard plan and higher).

NFT Distribution

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "issuer": "rMCfTcW9k2Z21cm4zWj2mgHaTrxxrHtL7n",
  "issuerDetails": {
    "username": null,
    "service": null
  "taxon": 0,
  "order": "nonSelfIssued",
  "summary": {
    "totalNfts": 6,
    "totalOwners": 5
  "owners": [
      "address": "rfakxbdmroQpQzZBL9caDP9RYxmSKuNZj5",
      "addressDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "total": 2,
      "selfIssued": 0,
      "nonSelfIssued": 2
      "address": "r4iCcnDXzCZCDkrbWyebk5aNwg55R8PyB9",
      "addressDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "total": 1,
      "selfIssued": 0,
      "nonSelfIssued": 1

This endpoint retrieves NFT Owners list sorted by NFT count.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
order total nonSelfIssued, selfIssued, total (order list by count of total owned NFTS, or only by self-issued NFTs, or only owned NFTs that issued by another address).
issuer null (optional) NFT issuer address, to see the NFT distribution for a specific issuer.
taxon null (optional) taxon for the address issuer, to see the NFT distribution of a collection identified by issuer and taxon.
marker null (available on paid plans only) The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFT owners.

NFT Sales

curl ",eur"
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest(",eur", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp(",eur");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "list": "topSold",
  "saleType": "all",
  "period": "all",
  "currency": "xrp",
  "convertCurrencies": ["eur", "usd"],
  "total": {
    "primary": 41933,
    "secondary": 25587
  "sales": [
      "nftokenID": "00081388A47691FB124F91B5FF0F5246AED2B5275385689F27ED727F000015E3",
      "acceptedAt": "1673931131",
      "acceptedLedgerIndex": "77169958",
      "acceptedTxHash": "C6F7492A4E58BC2FB6190F7081BBC96231E10ED463EDAB301DBDD650C97DD5FB",
      "acceptedAccount": "rpx9JThQ2y37FaGeeJP7PXDUVEXY3PHZSC",
      "seller": "rnVp1xV43N7SgqtjHWCSM6EcSUYs7yWNku",
      "buyer": "rJ1GJjNauEafyQWo1o5ZYDuciGPjx6yTGD",
      "amount": "40000000000",
      "broker": true,
      "marketplace": "",
      "saleType": "secondary",
      "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
        "eur": "14213.6",
        "usd": "15399.6"
      "nftoken": {
        "flags": {
          "burnable": false,
          "onlyXRP": false,
          "trustLine": false,
          "transferable": true
        "issuer": "rEzbi191M5AjrucxXKZWbR5QeyfpbedBcV",
        "nftokenID": "00081388A47691FB124F91B5FF0F5246AED2B5275385689F27ED727F000015E3",
        "nftokenTaxon": 1,
        "transferFee": 5000,
        "sequence": 5603,
        "owner": "rJ1GJjNauEafyQWo1o5ZYDuciGPjx6yTGD",
        "uri": "516D654834744E4D4C655233756F3774755453357768416E66734B4A737A4D4C6B676F7A44664C78676863385571",
        "nftSerial": 5603,
        "issuedAt": 1667651282,
        "ownerChangedAt": 1673931131,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "url": "",
        "metadata": {
          "name": "Bored Apes XRP Club #5611",
          "description": "The Bored Apes XRP Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs living on the XRP ledger.",
          "image": "QmdYwvVtjNFKRqHEWPChdkfM24Z1i34FmmC4uAjDdnJ7NF/5611.png",
          "edition": "5611",
          "date": 1667650922062,
          "creator": "Bored Apes XRP Club",
          "artist": "Bored Apes XRP Club",
          "attributes": [
              "trait_type": "Background",
              "value": "Punk Blue"
              "trait_type": "Fur",
              "value": "Grey"
              "trait_type": "Clothes",
              "value": "Cowboy"
              "trait_type": "Mouth",
              "value": "Rainbow"
              "trait_type": "Eyes",
              "value": "Blindfold"
          "external_link": "",
          "category": "Collectables",
          "collection": {
            "name": "Bored Apes XRP Club",
            "family": "art"
        "issuerDetails": {
          "username": "BoredApesXRP",
          "service": "Bored Apes XRP Club"
        "ownerDetails": {
          "username": null,
          "service": null
      "sellerDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "buyerDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
      "acceptedAccountDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": ""
  "total": {
    "primary": 78600,
    "secondary": 54396

This endpoint retrieves a List of NFT Sales for specified parameters

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null topSold or lastSold (for the list of NFTs sales of the highest price or the latest sell timestamp)
convertCurrencies null (Only available on paid API plans) the list of currencies to convert amount to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the response will have an array amountInConvertCurrencies
sortCurrency xrp / 'xah' (Only available on paid API plans) one of the currencies from the convertCurrencies or xrp to sort the list by, for example: usd (optional)
currency null specify a currency to filter sales in a specific currency, for example xrp (should be specified if there are no convertCurrencies and sortCurrency)
currencyIssuer null if currency is specified and it is not 'xrp', then you must specify the currency issuer XRPL address (optional)
saleType all can be primary or secondary (optional, primary - the sales from the issuer address)
collection null The collection ID (optional), can be used for Sologenic collections (specify an issuer), and for standard collections instead of using issuer and taxon, in the format: issuer:taxon
issuer null The address of the NFT issuer (optional)
taxon null Taxon for that Issuer (optional, will be ignored without an Issuer)
buyer null (Only available on paid API plans) The address of the Buyer (optional)
seller null (Only available on paid API plans) The address of the Seller (optional)
period all A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or a time period as timestamps 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
marketplace null You can specify a marketplace, to filter sales by a specific marketplace, for example, the list of all marketplaces is here (optional)
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFTs

NFT Volumes

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "list": "issuers",
  "period": "all",
  "saleType": "all",
  "marker": "753DF10F00000001",
  "volumes": [
      "amount": "3183301846633",
      "sales": 1388,
      "issuer": "rpbjkoncKiv1LkPWShzZksqYPzKXmUhTW7",
      "issuerDetails": {
        "username": "XPUNKS",
        "service": "XPUNKS"
      "buyers": 419,
      "tradedNfts": 1015,
      "totalOwners": 1872,
      "totalNfts": 6751,
      "floorPrice": {
        "open": {
          "amount": "2400000000"
        "private": {
          "amount": "1150000000",
          "destination": "rpZqTPC8GvrSvEfFsUuHkmPCg29GdQuXhC",
          "destinationDetails": {
            "username": null,
            "service": "onXRP"
      "amount": "1770531477817",
      "sales": 1582,
      "issuer": "rEzbi191M5AjrucxXKZWbR5QeyfpbedBcV",
      "issuerDetails": {
        "username": "BoredApesXRP",
        "service": "Bored Apes XRP Club"
      "buyers": 368,
      "tradedNfts": 1358,
      "totalOwners": 1583,
      "totalNfts": 10064,
      "floorPrice": {
        "open": {
          "amount": "750000000"
        "private": {
          "amount": "500000000",
          "destination": "rpx9JThQ2y37FaGeeJP7PXDUVEXY3PHZSC",
          "destinationDetails": {
            "username": null,
            "service": ""

This endpoint retrieves NFT Sales Volumes for specified parameters

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null issuers, currencies, brokers or marketplaces (If you are looking for collections, use NFT Volumes Extended endpoint)
currency null Must be specified for issuers, brokers and marketplaces, for example as xrp
currencyIssuer null if currency is specified and it is not 'xrp', then you must specify the currency issuer XRPL address (optional)
saleType all can be primary or secondary (optional, primary - the sales from the issuer address)
period all A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year
floorPrice false (Only available on paid API plans) Returns floorPrice for issuers. The lowest VALID sell offers for an NFT from that collection, the lowest on the open market and the lowest on one of the identified market places.

NFT Volumes Extended

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "list": "collections",
  "period": "week",
  "convertCurrencies": [
  "sortCurrency": "usd",
  "statistics": true,
  "saleType": "secondary",
  "floorPrice": true,
  "marker": "7029546C00000001",
  "summary": {
    "all": {
        "volumes": [
              "amount": "234369189287",
              "sales": 1440,
              "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
                "usd": "140788.52012833307"
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "7853504543544152000000000000000000000000",
                  "issuer": "rh5jzTCdMRCVjQ7LT6zucjezC47KATkuvv",
                  "value": "14000"
                "sales": 2,
                "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
                  "usd": "109.55480896211189029074672379403895104112"
                "currencyDetails": {
                  "type": "hex",
                  "currencyCode": "7853504543544152000000000000000000000000",
                  "currency": "xSPECTAR"
        "sales": 1448,
        "volumesInConvertCurrencies": {
          "usd": "140913.35322087784071852423843308170024169712"
  "lastAcceptedAt": 1724681821,
  "collections": [
      "collection": "rPeRQQ8kaMej5b1E7tjkwFPm2xMFQofkdG:0",
      "sales": 170,
      "collectionDetails": {
        "collection": "rPeRQQ8kaMej5b1E7tjkwFPm2xMFQofkdG:0",
        "name": "Cryptoland Cryptopians",
        "family": "Avatars",
        "description": null,
        "assets": {
          "image": "", 
          "preview": "", 
          "thumbnail": ""
        "image": "",
        "issuer": "rPeRQQ8kaMej5b1E7tjkwFPm2xMFQofkdG",
        "issuerDetails": {
          "address": "rPeRQQ8kaMej5b1E7tjkwFPm2xMFQofkdG",
          "username": null,
          "service": "CryptoLand"
        "taxon": 0
      "floorPrices": [
          "open": {
            "amount": "860000000"
          "private": {
            "amount": "469000000",
            "destination": "rpZqTPC8GvrSvEfFsUuHkmPCg29GdQuXhC",
            "destinationDetails": {
              "username": null,
              "service": "onXRP"
      "statistics": {
        "buyers": 32,
        "tradedNfts": 165,
        "owners": 3715,
        "nfts": 29852
      "volumesInConvertCurrencies": {
        "usd": "102166.04935985"
      "volumes": [
          "amount": "170175665000",
          "sales": 170,
          "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
            "usd": "102166.04935985"
        "collection": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME:0",
        "sales": 13,
        "collectionDetails": {
            "collection": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME:0",
            "name": null,
            "family": null,
            "description": null,
            "image": "QmTA3YRvEndxzENJC1GuNuSEZFCtGUkw2Lq91iQdA86yLj/1.png",
            "issuer": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME",
            "issuerDetails": {
                "address": "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME",
                "username": "Zerpmon",
                "service": "Zerpmon"
            "assets": {
              "image": "", 
              "preview": "", 
              "thumbnail": "",
            "taxon": 0
        "floorPrices": [
                "open": null,
                "private": {
                    "amount": "325000000",
                    "destination": "rpx9JThQ2y37FaGeeJP7PXDUVEXY3PHZSC",
                    "destinationDetails": {
                        "username": "xrpcafe",
                        "service": ""
        "statistics": {
            "buyers": 8,
            "tradedNfts": 13,
            "owners": 243,
            "nfts": 1807
        "volumesInConvertCurrencies": {
            "usd": "5329.7998368721"
        "volumes": [
                "amount": "8769239310",
                "sales": 13,
                "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
                    "usd": "5329.7998368721"

This endpoint retrieves Extended NFT Sales Volumes for specified parameters (Only available on paid API plans)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null collections, marketplaces, issuers, taxons, currencies or brokers
issuer null An XRPL address or username of the NFT issuer, must be specified for list taxons, to receive separate volumes for each taxon of the issuer
currency null By default returns for all currencies, you can set any XRPL currency for example xrp (optional)
currencyIssuer null if currency is specified and it is not 'xrp', then you must specify the currency issuer XRPL address (optional)
convertCurrencies null the list of currencies to convert amounts and volumes to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the response will have amountInConvertCurrencies and volumesInConvertCurrencies
sortCurrency xrp one of the currencies from the convertCurrencies or xrp to sort the list by, for example: usd (optional)
saleType all can be primary or secondary (optional, primary - the sales from the issuer address)
period all A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or as timestamps, examples: 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
floorPrice false Returns floorPrice for collections and issuers. The lowest VALID sell offers for an NFT from that collection, the lowest on the open market and the lowest on one of the identified market places.
statistics false Returns statistics for collections and issuers and taxons. Which includes: buyers - current buyers count, tradedNfts - current count of traded NFTS, owners - current count of owners, nfts - current count of NFTs
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page
assets false (For Standard plan and hire) For list collections returns collection previews, assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px.

NFT Minters

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "period": "all",
    "summary": {
      "minted": 1873080,
      "mintedAndBurned": 306224,
      "burned": 306224
    "marketplaces": [
        "marketplace": "unknown",
        "minted": 616658,
        "mintedAndBurned": 186176,
        "burned": 186176
        "marketplace": "",
        "minted": 299713,
        "mintedAndBurned": 22778,
        "burned": 22778
        "marketplace": "",
        "minted": 261204,
        "mintedAndBurned": 16843,
        "burned": 16843
        "marketplace": "",
        "minted": 186707,
        "mintedAndBurned": 3785,
        "burned": 3785
        "marketplace": "",
        "minted": 153240,
        "mintedAndBurned": 49818,
        "burned": 49818
        "marketplace": "",
        "minted": 98900,
        "mintedAndBurned": 6210,
        "burned": 6210

This endpoint retrieves NFT minters on XRPL for a specified period of time

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
period all A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or as timestamps, examples: 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z

NFT Mint Chart

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "span": "day",
  "period": "month",
  "chart": [
      "time": "2024-01-19T23:59:59.999Z",
      "issues": 11969
      "time": "2024-01-20T23:59:59.999Z",
      "issues": 2173

This endpoint retrieves NFT mints count for a specified period of time, with a specified span (available only on the Standard plan and higher)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
period all A time period, all time all, last hour hour, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or as timestamps, examples: 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
span null A time span for the chart, can be minute, hour, day, month, year, not all spans are available for large periods, for a period hour you can have minute, for periods up to 60 hours, you can have hour, day, month, for up to 60 days - day, month.

NFT Sales Chart

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "span": "day",
  "saleType": "secondary",
  "period": "month",
  "convertCurrencies": [
  "chart": [
      "time": "2024-01-20T23:59:59.999Z",
      "sales": 251,
      "amountInNativeCurrency": "12595.349685",
      "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
        "usd": "6896.94474652027"
      "time": "2024-01-21T23:59:59.999Z",
      "sales": 405,
      "amountInNativeCurrency": "19519.066439",
      "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
        "usd": "10764.85431987046"

This endpoint retrieves NFT Sales Volumes Chart data for a specified period of time, with a specified span (available only on the Standard plan and higher)

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
period all A time period, all time all, last hour hour, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or as timestamps, examples: 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
span null A time span for the chart, can be minute, hour, day, month, year, not all spans are available for large periods, for a period hour you can have minute, for periods up to 60 hours, you can have hour, day, month, for up to 60 days - day, month.
issuer null An address or username of the NFT issuer (optional, if you want to get data for a specific issuer)
taxon null Taxon for that issuer (optional, will be ignored without an issuer)
currency null By default returns for all currencies, you can set any currency for example xrp (optional)
currencyIssuer null if currency is specified and it is not 'xrp', then you must specify the currency issuer address (optional)
convertCurrencies null the list of currencies to convert amounts and volumes to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the response will have amountInConvertCurrencies
saleType all can be primary or secondary (optional, primary - the sales from the issuer address)

NFT Crawler (Last update)

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "ledgerIndex": 82078753,
  "ledgerTime": 1692949961

This endpoint returns the last ledger which was crawled by our NFT crawler.

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
ledgerIndex Integer The last crawled ledger index.
ledgerTime Integer UNIX timestamp of the last crawled ledger.



curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "type": "xls35",
    "nftokenID": "850D545622313337B41728F7C380729E173D9197FA858493374084BBE75FF18D",
    "uritokenID": "850D545622313337B41728F7C380729E173D9197FA858493374084BBE75FF18D",
    "flags": {
        "burnable": false
    "owner": "r47eK7FT1jXBF1WnwF1uWKGpL1A9zXzs4A",
    "issuer": "rUYiTLYpN8M4xLhtRD9HQZFwqZ4WaKJc89",
    "uri": "68747470733A2F2F6170692E767072612E6170702F76312F6D657461646174613F6163636F756E743D72555969544C59704E384D34784C687452443948515A4677715A3457614B4A633839266E616D6573706163653D33424531443432324134363038354531374634413139443345443730374338363639323741364433353441353632433435413738463146303344374334313138266B65793D43303843413845314442414241333933464336424342424135454239453130444235433542384333333041364531394236314332443145444145413444394241",
    "digest": "C08CA8E1DBABA393FC6BCBBA5EB9E10DB5C5B8C330A6E19B61C2D1EDAEA4D9BA",
    "amount": null,
    "destination": null,
    "issuedAt": 1730873082,
    "ownerChangedAt": 1730873082,
    "deletedAt": null,
    "mintedByMarketplace": null,
    "collection": null,
    "url": "",
    "metadata": {
        "attributes": [
                "trait_type": "id",
                "value": 166
                "trait_type": "name",
                "value": "Fatty"
                "trait_type": "gender",
                "value": 1
                "trait_type": "age",
                "value": 0
                "trait_type": "breed",
                "value": 3
                "trait_type": "size",
                "value": 3
                "trait_type": "body",
                "value": 7
                "trait_type": "hooves",
                "value": 9
                "trait_type": "speed",
                "value": 75
                "trait_type": "stamina",
                "value": 8
                "trait_type": "temperament",
                "value": 6
                "trait_type": "training",
                "value": 6
                "trait_type": "health",
                "value": 6
                "trait_type": "lifespan",
                "value": 50
                "trait_type": "affinity",
                "value": 14
                "trait_type": "morale",
                "value": 0
                "trait_type": "is_breedable",
                "value": 0
                "trait_type": "breed_price",
                "value": 0
                "trait_type": "token_id",
                "value": "850D545622313337B41728F7C380729E173D9197FA858493374084BBE75FF18D"
                "trait_type": "wins",
                "value": 0
                "trait_type": "total",
                "value": 0
        "collection": {
            "family": "VPRA",
            "issuer": "rUYiTLYpN8M4xLhtRD9HQZFwqZ4WaKJc89",
            "name": "Virtual Pet Racing Adventure",
            "taxon": "0"
        "description": "An AI-enhanced robotic rabbit, designed for rapid leaps and agile sprints.",
        "external_url": "",
        "hash": "1D18E734AF2AB1082D69937494D98016165E9B4E40E242EE245D60B325E91327",
        "image": "ipfs://QmR54jrMjyiq547znh4xBGnhJDDyZvySvGSHPFMst2ciXU",
        "name": "Fatty #166",
        "nftType": "vpra.v1"
    "jsonMeta": true,
    "history": [
            "owner": "r47eK7FT1jXBF1WnwF1uWKGpL1A9zXzs4A",
            "changedAt": 1730873082,
            "ledgerIndex": 9690402,
            "txHash": "815CBB6A13A6C94CACC1333FFAA825EE565E4BE1AB2B4DC32355E0B4E98198A9",
            "marketplace": null,
            "amount": "0",
            "ownerDetails": {
                "username": "MillionHeadsUP",
                "service": null
            "owner": "rUYiTLYpN8M4xLhtRD9HQZFwqZ4WaKJc89",
            "changedAt": 1730873082,
            "ledgerIndex": 9690402,
            "txHash": "815CBB6A13A6C94CACC1333FFAA825EE565E4BE1AB2B4DC32355E0B4E98198A9",
            "marketplace": null,
            "ownerDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
    "sellOffers": null,
    "issuerDetails": {
        "username": null,
        "service": null
    "ownerDetails": {
        "username": "MillionHeadsUP",
        "service": null

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested NFT.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
uritokenID An URI Token ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
uri false If set to true, the result will include uri and url.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)
sellOffers false If set true, the result will include sellOffers.
history false If set to true, the result will include history.
metadata false If set to true, the result will include metadata.
offersValidate false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
offersHistory false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each result will include historical offers which are already accepted or canceled.
convertCurrencies null (Only available on paid API plans) the list of currencies to convert amount to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the for history response will have an array amountInConvertCurrencies
collectionDetails false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each nft will include collectionDetails with the collection details. if parameter assets is set as true, you will also get assets in the collectionDetails.


curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "type": "xls35",
    "list": "uritokens",
    "order": "mintedNew",
    "hasMetadata": true,
    "hasImage": true,
    "issuedAt": "all",
    "uritokens": [
            "type": "xls35",
            "nftokenID": "FA21DE7E29087E30F546828F06C33D2CE926B1E433D7368F31F8382EA84BCDC2",
            "uritokenID": "FA21DE7E29087E30F546828F06C33D2CE926B1E433D7368F31F8382EA84BCDC2",
            "flags": {
                "burnable": false
            "owner": "r47eK7FT1jXBF1WnwF1uWKGpL1A9zXzs4A",
            "issuer": "rUYiTLYpN8M4xLhtRD9HQZFwqZ4WaKJc89",
            "uri": "68747470733A2F2F6170692E767072612E6170702F76312F6D657461646174613F6163636F756E743D72555969544C59704E384D34784C687452443948515A4677715A3457614B4A633839266E616D6573706163653D33424531443432324134363038354531374634413139443345443730374338363639323741364433353441353632433435413738463146303344374334313138266B65793D46463645393442363835324638314345333442373933354341444138334139424637423632333233363646443138384339414236394632323736434233313237",
            "digest": "FF6E94B6852F81CE34B7935CADA83A9BF7B6232366FD188C9AB69F2276CB3127",
            "amount": null,
            "destination": null,
            "issuedAt": 1730896291,
            "ownerChangedAt": 1730896291,
            "deletedAt": null,
            "mintedByMarketplace": null,
            "collection": null,
            "url": "",
            "metadata": {
                "attributes": [
                        "trait_type": "id",
                        "value": 168
                        "trait_type": "name",
                        "value": "Trump"
                        "trait_type": "gender",
                        "value": 1
                        "trait_type": "age",
                        "value": 0
                        "trait_type": "breed",
                        "value": 2
                        "trait_type": "size",
                        "value": 4
                        "trait_type": "body",
                        "value": 3
                        "trait_type": "hooves",
                        "value": 4
                        "trait_type": "speed",
                        "value": 55
                        "trait_type": "stamina",
                        "value": 2
                        "trait_type": "temperament",
                        "value": 2
                        "trait_type": "training",
                        "value": 2
                        "trait_type": "health",
                        "value": 2
                        "trait_type": "lifespan",
                        "value": 50
                        "trait_type": "affinity",
                        "value": 46
                        "trait_type": "morale",
                        "value": 0
                        "trait_type": "is_breedable",
                        "value": 0
                        "trait_type": "breed_price",
                        "value": 0
                        "trait_type": "token_id",
                        "value": "FA21DE7E29087E30F546828F06C33D2CE926B1E433D7368F31F8382EA84BCDC2"
                        "trait_type": "wins",
                        "value": 0
                        "trait_type": "total",
                        "value": 0
                "collection": {
                    "family": "VPRA",
                    "issuer": "rUYiTLYpN8M4xLhtRD9HQZFwqZ4WaKJc89",
                    "name": "Virtual Pet Racing Adventure",
                    "taxon": "0"
                "description": "A sleek AI robotic cat, engineered for speed and reflexive racing precision.",
                "external_url": "",
                "hash": "9AD902D77753AF68735E9B4A6314AF28533E61D0EAE1D40E516D6E5CAC1A2C5B",
                "image": "ipfs://QmZAgJvC6oZVMogoNLUeFFbQ1TJbSgbZsXdQjtDNGbTP19",
                "name": "Trump #168",
                "nftType": "vpra.v1"
            "jsonMeta": true,
            "issuerDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
            "ownerDetails": {
                "username": "MillionHeadsUP",
                "service": null

This endpoint retrieves a List of NFTs for specified parameters

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
owner null The address of the Owner
issuer null The address of the Issuer
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)
hasMetadata false set to true, to list NFTs only with available metadata
hasImage false set to true, to list NFTs only with available media data (preview images can be generated from images, videos, pdf files and 3d models)
includeDeleted false set to true, if you want result to include deleeted NFTs
mintedByMarketplace null Here you can specify a minter from to filter your search by minter project.
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFTs
list uritokens (Only available on paid API plans) can be set to onSale to get the list of NFTs with active sell offers
destination all (Only available on paid API plans) used to filter NFTs for sale list=onSale, can be set as an address (to specify a particular MarketPlace), public, knownBrokers, publicAndKnownBrokers, all
order null (Only available on paid API plans) used to order NFTs: 1. for list=nfts, can be mintedNew and mintedOld, 2. for list=onSale, can be offerCreatedNew, offerCreatedOld, priceLow, priceHigh
currency null (Only available on paid API plans) used to filter NFTs for sale list=onSale, can be XRP or any other currency code.
currencyIssuer null (Only available on paid API plans) A currency issuer for the currency if it is not an XRP.
issuedAt null (Only available on paid API plans) It can be used to show NFTs which were minted during some period of time. A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year, or 1671490800000..1671663600000 - period or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z, to show from specific date till now: 1671490800000.. or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..
deletedAt null (Only available on paid API plans) It can be used to show NFTs which were burned during some period of time. A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year. or 1671490800000..1671663600000 - period or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z, to show from specific date till now: 1671490800000.. or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..
sellOffers false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set true, the NFTs will include sellOffers.
history false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, the NFTs will include history.
offersValidate false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, each NFT offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
offersHistory false (Available for the Premium plan and higher) If set to true, each NFT will include historical offers which are already accepted or canceled.
limit 100 The number of NFTs to return. (More than 100 is available for the Standard plan and higher).
ids null (Available for the Standard plan and higher) A list of NFT IDs separated by commas (max 100), to get information about specific NFTs. Formats: ids=abc,def, ids[]=abc&ids[]=def or ids=abc&ids=def.

NFT Offers

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "owner": "rf1NrYAsv92UPDd8nyCG4A3bez7dhYE61r",
    "list": "offers",
    "ownerDetails": {
        "username": "ekiserrepe",
        "service": "Ekiserrepe"
    "nftOffers": [
            "type": "xls35",
            "nftokenID": "BEA3986C0F23A26B541F514FC393EAC579DE20DF99C1EAD6EE2CABF4084879C8",
            "uritokenID": "BEA3986C0F23A26B541F514FC393EAC579DE20DF99C1EAD6EE2CABF4084879C8",
            "createdAt": 1715879272,
            "createdLedgerIndex": 5446597,
            "createdTxHash": "7FA83536947E4A5A95466228791EAEC8B45E31A545642D49F4DDB4E668E49A8B",
            "account": "rf1NrYAsv92UPDd8nyCG4A3bez7dhYE61r",
            "owner": "rf1NrYAsv92UPDd8nyCG4A3bez7dhYE61r",
            "destination": null,
            "amount": "200000000",
            "nftoken": {
                "type": "xls35",
                "nftokenID": "BEA3986C0F23A26B541F514FC393EAC579DE20DF99C1EAD6EE2CABF4084879C8",
                "uritokenID": "BEA3986C0F23A26B541F514FC393EAC579DE20DF99C1EAD6EE2CABF4084879C8",
                "flags": {
                    "burnable": false
                "owner": "rf1NrYAsv92UPDd8nyCG4A3bez7dhYE61r",
                "issuer": "rf1NrYAsv92UPDd8nyCG4A3bez7dhYE61r",
                "uri": "68747470733A2F2F636F736D696378616861752E636F6D2F6E66742F726E39784E314D557458436451444D57687845516A47565274583639624B693651472F30323335366233362D343061342D343165382D393037392D643632393765643565363631",
                "digest": "4F6FCD290EC2BE89F8A31826F19EF3BF281C910D0A80161549357432C29A514C",
                "amount": "200000000",
                "destination": null,
                "issuedAt": 1715879120,
                "ownerChangedAt": 1715879122,
                "deletedAt": null,
                "mintedByMarketplace": null,
                "collection": null,
                "url": "",
                "metadata": {
                    "name": "Winnie #783",
                    "description": "Winnie on Xahau!",
                    "image": "",
                    "date": 1715834342655,
                    "attributes": [
                            "name": "Background",
                            "value": "Enchanted"
                            "name": "Winnie",
                            "value": "Winnie"
                            "name": "Clothes",
                            "value": "Pajama"
                            "name": "Mouth",
                            "value": "Normal"
                            "name": "Eyes",
                            "value": "Heart"
                            "name": "Hat",
                            "value": "Fisherman Hat"
                            "name": "Hand",
                            "value": "None"
                "jsonMeta": true,
                "issuerDetails": {
                    "username": "ekiserrepe",
                    "service": "Ekiserrepe"
                "ownerDetails": {
                    "username": "ekiserrepe",
                    "service": "Ekiserrepe"
            "accountDetails": {
                "username": "ekiserrepe",
                "service": "Ekiserrepe"
            "ownerDetails": {
                "username": "ekiserrepe",
                "service": "Ekiserrepe"
            "valid": true

This endpoint retrieves NFT Offers created by an address or NFT Offers for all NFTs owned by that address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
address An address or a username.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null default - to list all owned NFT offers, privatelyOfferedToAddress - to list all NFT offers where the address is specified as destination (brokers, private offers, nft transfers).
nftoken false If set to true, each offer will include nftoken data, including metadata.
offersValidate false (Only available on paid API plans) If set to true, each offer will include valid as true or false, if false then it also include validationErrors array.
assets false (Only available on the Standard API plan or greater) If set to true, returns assets with direct urls for image 700px x 700px, video 15s, preview 360px x 360px (image, otherwise video frame) and thumbnail 64px x 64px. (See plans for NFT contents for more details or contact us)

NFT Distribution

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "type": "xls35",
    "order": "nonSelfIssued",
    "summary": {
        "totalNfts": 56303,
        "totalOwners": 17256
    "owners": [
            "address": "rGKT2MUjPUuoC8WYgZcvVPxfXe9jHz3D6R",
            "addressDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
            "total": 410,
            "selfIssued": 0,
            "nonSelfIssued": 410
            "address": "rEbdxu89jAKmyEETmLW1CWXgMPmXgTLZbh",
            "addressDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
            "total": 407,
            "selfIssued": 0,
            "nonSelfIssued": 407

This endpoint retrieves NFT Owners list sorted by NFT count.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
order total nonSelfIssued, selfIssued, total (order list by count of total owned NFTS, or only by self-issued NFTs, or only owned NFTs that issued by another address).
issuer null (optional) NFT issuer address, to see the NFT distribution for a specific issuer.
marker null (available on paid plans only) The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFT owners.

NFT Sales

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "list": "lastSold",
    "order": "priceHigh",
    "type": "xls35",
    "saleType": "all",
    "period": "year",
    "convertCurrencies": [
    "sortCurrency": "usd",
    "hasImage": true,
    "total": {
        "primary": 256,
        "secondary": 39
    "marker": "16E5DA4D00000001",
    "sales": [
            "type": "xls35",
            "nftokenID": "C1012398445F1894412F03C177C89B23D4675B2CE466CCA486791FA0A20B990A",
            "uritokenID": "C1012398445F1894412F03C177C89B23D4675B2CE466CCA486791FA0A20B990A",
            "acceptedAt": "1707617282",
            "acceptedLedgerIndex": "2918626",
            "acceptedTxHash": "9FA2CC666EA86AE1B8602593358831D6C0E09290ECEBFAB18C8222D97386FBC9",
            "acceptedAccount": "rwb7YRNzwvzeMNkGhhuGESSp4ME4V2Ee9q",
            "seller": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
            "buyer": "rwb7YRNzwvzeMNkGhhuGESSp4ME4V2Ee9q",
            "amount": "1000000000",
            "marketplace": "",
            "saleType": "primary",
            "amountInConvertCurrencies": {
                "usd": "113.032"
            "nftoken": {
                "type": "xls35",
                "nftokenID": "C1012398445F1894412F03C177C89B23D4675B2CE466CCA486791FA0A20B990A",
                "uritokenID": "C1012398445F1894412F03C177C89B23D4675B2CE466CCA486791FA0A20B990A",
                "flags": {
                    "burnable": false
                "owner": "rwb7YRNzwvzeMNkGhhuGESSp4ME4V2Ee9q",
                "issuer": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
                "uri": "697066733A2F2F6261666B726569627064706A6B6B786767366D6261376F357071666A796963636F3432736B36706D626E6576736173756F7A7A637076366B693369",
                "digest": "CE446DDF3C759986F00D33D1C94DEBFF6ADFE1BB7E5DE5081214C172C6943D69",
                "amount": null,
                "destination": null,
                "issuedAt": 1707609120,
                "ownerChangedAt": 1707617282,
                "deletedAt": null,
                "mintedByMarketplace": null,
                "collection": null,
                "url": "",
                "metadata": {
                    "name": "X cracked 1",
                    "description": "Serial number: 1. Second Edition Ridworld NFT Card. Rare Legend (rl)",
                    "image": "ipfs://bafybeidyaycpuwmhhn7ji4acysaoaa7ohbgf3owxqga5qtfff7a2q3cpfi",
                    "maxAmountMinted": "589",
                    "attributes": [
                            "trait_type": "Card Type",
                            "value": "Crypto"
                            "trait_type": "Uploading Cost",
                            "value": "Empty set"
                            "trait_type": "Box Text",
                            "value": "Add X"
                    "game": "Ridworld Collectible NFT Card Game",
                    "collection": {
                        "name": "Xahau Second Edition"
                    "collectionUnits": "82 units",
                    "author": "Enigma",
                    "external_url": "",
                    "boxIllustrationLicense": "EnigmaRidworld, created using Midjourney on Discord",
                    "jobID": "5e78e4e9-3afc-444e-b3c6-d600a3f357ca",
                    "seed": "1891785364",
                    "cardTemplateCreatorCredit": "GenevensiS",
                    "issuer": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
                    "imageCIDv1NFT.Storage": "bafybeidyaycpuwmhhn7ji4acysaoaa7ohbgf3owxqga5qtfff7a2q3cpfi",
                    "folderCIDv1NFT.Storage": "bafybeic2ii5qcpvb7fhzgp34w47dskhi7fd5dkeeswywbjxaj2repwlz3m",
                    "imageCIDv0IPFSdesktop": "Qmbquu4kCqTbotPTSvwQnVzhERidaKFDxd9X7ngc45Y34d",
                    "imageCIDv1IPFSdesktop": "bafybeigiu3zjy3btwk3wk4chfeckeoaxr2qwuleowc4lxfa2zcs7qizqki",
                    "blockchain": "XAHAU"
                "jsonMeta": true,
                "issuerDetails": {
                    "username": null,
                    "service": null
                "ownerDetails": {
                    "username": null,
                    "service": null
            "sellerDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
            "buyerDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null
            "acceptedAccountDetails": {
                "username": null,
                "service": null

This endpoint retrieves a List of NFT Sales for specified parameters

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
list null topSold or lastSold (for the list of NFTs sales of the highest price or the latest sell timestamp)
convertCurrencies null (Only available on paid API plans) the list of currencies to convert amount to, splitted by comma, for example xrp,usd (40 fiat currencies available), the response will have an array amountInConvertCurrencies
sortCurrency xrp / 'xah' (Only available on paid API plans) one of the currencies from the convertCurrencies or xrp to sort the list by, for example: usd (optional)
currency null specify a currency to filter sales in a specific currency, for example xrp (should be specified if there are no convertCurrencies and sortCurrency)
currencyIssuer null if currency is specified and it is not 'xrp', then you must specify the currency issuer XRPL address (optional)
saleType all can be primary or secondary (optional, primary - the sales from the issuer address)
issuer null The address of the NFT issuer (optional)
buyer null (Only available on paid API plans) The address of the Buyer (optional)
seller null (Only available on paid API plans) The address of the Seller (optional)
period all A time period, all time all, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or a time period as timestamps 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
marketplace null You can specify a marketplace, to filter sales by a specific marketplace, for example, the list of all marketplaces is here (optional)
marker null The marker from the previous request, if you need a next page of NFTs

NFT Crawler (Last update)

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "ledgerIndex": 82078753,
  "ledgerTime": 1692949961

This endpoint returns the last ledger which was crawled by our NFT crawler.

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
ledgerIndex Integer The last crawled ledger index.
ledgerTime Integer UNIX timestamp of the last crawled ledger.


Get services

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "total": 467,
  "lastUpdate": 1579417546,
  "services": [
      "name": "Bithomp",
      "domain": "",
      "socialAccounts": {
        "twitter": "bithomp",
        "youtube": "channel/UCTvrMnG-Tpqi5FN9zO7GcWw",
        "instagram": "bithomp"
      "addresses": [
          "address": "rsuUjfWxrACCAwGQDsNeZUhpzXf1n1NK5Z"
          "address": "rnk3N5hHnLS6nWncNh2R4D2ATiuEicjxXo"
          "address": "rhUYLd2aUiUVYkBZYwTc5RYgCAbNHAwkeZ",
          "name": "Bithomp activation"
          "address": "rBithomp3UNknnjo8HKNfyS5MN4kdPTZpW"
          "address": "rBithomp4vj5E2kUebx7tVwipBueg55XxS",
          "name": "Bithomp donations"
          "address": "rBithompKtixswR4bknJqYaxnm7yRhGYFq",
          "name": "Bithomp username"
          "address": "rKontEGtDju5MCEJCwtrvTWQQqVAw5juXe",
          "name": "Bithomp validator"


This endpoint retrieves a list of identified services.

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
total Integer The amount of identified services.
lastUpdate Integer UNIX timestamp of the last data update.
services Array Array of services.
services[].name String A name of a service.
services[].domain String A domain of a service.
services[].socialAccounts Object An object with social account of a service. (twitter, youtube, instagram, facebook, medium, telegram, linkedin, reddit)
services[].addresses Array An array of service's addresses. Each address can have it's own (more specific) name, domain, socialAccounts.

Addresses from Services

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "total": 1824,
  "lastUpdate": 1579417546,
  "addresses": {
    "rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY": {
      "name": "XRP Tip Bot",
      "domain": "",
      "socialAccounts": {
        "twitter": "xrptipbot"
    "r3kmLJN5D28dHuH8vZNUZpMC43pEHpaocV": {
      "name": "Ripple",
      "domain": "",
      "socialAccounts": {
        "twitter": "Ripple",
        "facebook": "ripplepay",
        "linkedin": "ripple-labs"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all identified service addresses.

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
total Integer The amount of identified addresses.
lastUpdate Integer UNIX timestamp of the last data update.
addresses Object Object with identified addresses. String A name of the ADDRESS’s service.
addresses.ADDRESS.domain String A domain of the ADDRESS’s service.
addresses.ADDRESS.socialAccounts Object An object with social account of the ADDRESS’s service. (twitter, youtube, instagram, facebook, medium, telegram, linkedin, reddit)

Status (Last update)

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "lastUpdate": 1579527766,
  "totalServices": 475,
  "totalAddresses": 1832

This endpoint returns a timestamp of last DB update for services/addresses.

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
lastUpdate Integer UNIX timestamp of the last data update.
totalServices Integer The amount of identified services.
totalAddresses Integer The amount of identified addresses.


Get information for an address

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getAddressInfo(json) {
bithompRequest("", getAddressInfo);
$addressInfo = curl_bithomp("");
print $addressInfo;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "address": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
  "xAddress": "X7WZKEeNVS2p9Tire9DtNFkzWBZbFtJHWxDjN9fCrBGqVA4",
  "inception": 1361216760,
  "initialBalance": 1500,
  "genesis": false,
  "bithomp": {
    "avatar": "",
    "bithompPro": false
  "ledgerInfo": {
    "activated": true,
    "error": null,
    "ledger": 69617915,
    "ledgerTimestamp": 1645995600,
    "balance": "6511036080064",
    "flags": {
      "passwordSpent": false,
      "requireDestTag": true,
      "requireAuth": false,
      "depositAuth": false,
      "disallowXRP": true,
      "disableMaster": false,
      "noFreeze": false,
      "globalFreeze": false,
      "defaultRipple": true
    "ownerCount": 387,
    "previousTxnID": "2B0A02B899DC0D384AC14E0AB6DF8E32DBB9941D06696233A6BF03C0EB577027",
    "previousTxnLgrSeq": 69617676,
    "sequence": 4692,
    "accountTxnID": null,
    "mintedTokens": 1,
    "burnedTokens": 12,
    "regularKey": null,
    "ticketCount": 5,
    "signerList": {
      "previousTxnID": "965730F660A808927B7A850F0408FF6532BA385641FC1DC67E2907F41A9E7B75",
      "previousTxnLgrSeq": 62412856,
      "signerQuorum": 2,
      "flags": {
        "oneOwnerCount": true
      "signerEntries": [
          "account": "re3LGjhrCvthtWWwrfKbVJjXN9PYDeQDJ",
          "signerWeight": 1
          "account": "rkPA5RwLVPnJgpcsrzYvHwx1HVfDb6zD3",
          "signerWeight": 1
          "account": "rpcL6T32dYb6FDgdm4CnC1DZQSoMvvkLRd",
          "signerWeight": 1
    "domain": "",
    "emailHash": "5b33b93c7ffe384d53450fc666bb11fb",
    "messageKey": null,
    "tickSize": null,
    "transferRate": 1.002,
    "blackholed": false
  "service": {
    "name": "Bitstamp",
    "domain": "",
    "socialAccounts": {
      "twitter": "Bitstamp",
      "facebook": "Bitstamp",
      "youtube": null,
      "instagram": null,
      "linkedin": null,
      "reddit": null,
      "medium": null,
      "telegram": null
  "username": "Bitstamp",
  "verifiedDomain": null

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested address.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
address The address, can be old r-address or a new X-address

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
bithomp false If set to true, the result will also include avatar image link and bithompPro status.
service false If set to true, the result will also include Service details.
username false If set to true, the result will also include a username (rippletrade or bithomp).
payString false If set to true, the result will also include a bithomp payString for that address.
verifiedDomain false If set true, the result will include a verifiedDomain if such exists.
hashicon false If set true, the result will include hashicon which can be used in img's src="" or in css, as background's url. (The icon is the same for x-address and r-address, such hashicons used in Xumm and Bithomp.)
parent false If set to true, the result will include the same info for a parent account. Also it will add to the root object: genesis, initialBalance, inception
nickname false If set to true, the result will include an old nickname from bitcointalk forum.
flare false if set to true, the result will include flare: {spark, songbird, address}.
inception false if set to true, the result will include: genesis, initialBalance, inception.
ledgerInfo false if set to true, the result will include ledgerInfo object. (Note: A fee to use this parameter might be introduced in the feature)
ledgerTimestamp null ISO timestamp or unix timestamp (if set the request will return ledgerInfo data for that timestamp)


Get wallet

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getValidatorAddress(json) {
  console.log(json.publicKey + " validator's XRPL address: ", json.address);
bithompRequest("", getValidatorAddress);
$validatorAddress = curl_bithomp("");
print $validatorAddress;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "publicKey": "nHB8QMKGt9VB4Vg71VszjBVQnDW3v3QudM4DwFaJfy96bj4Pv9fA",
  "address": "rKontEGtDju5MCEJCwtrvTWQQqVAw5juXe"

This endpoint retrieves an address of a specific validator computed from the validator public key

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
validatorPublicKey The public key of the validator to retrieve

Currency (HEX / XLS-14 NFT)


curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest("", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "type": "nft",
  "currencyCode": "02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836",
  "currency": "Ridworld86",
  "cti": 56013842556817800,
  "ctiLedger": 68850056,
  "ctiTxIndex": 75,
  "ctiValid": true,
  "timestamp": 1641544270,
  "ctiTx": {
    "hash": "79C0E05CB9FC2B74F0B9716C15A6E2F924DBC8658931FD96AC8B158308A9886C",
    "type": "payment",
    "account": "rGpmRmU3Q5gyhhyWLWugkPX6SA8FyqXyE5",
    "counterparty": null,
    "destination": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
    "memos": [
        "Memo": {
          "MemoData": "526964776F726C6438362E205261726974793A2052617265204C6567656E642E20416D6F756E74206D696E7465643A2035383920756E6974732E20526964776F726C64C2AE20436F6C6C65637469626C65204E465420436172642047616D652E20496C6C7573747261746F723A205765622041727469737469632E",
          "MemoFormat": "746578742F706C61696E",
          "MemoType": "4465736372697074696F6E"
        "Memo": {
          "MemoData": "456E69676D61",
          "MemoFormat": "746578742F706C61696E",
          "MemoType": "417574686F72"
        "Memo": {
          "MemoData": "697066733A2F2F626166796265696779347869796C347A7062376C667474797832356E7A796E6F32647369766A777378657337376467336936356767796666637665",
          "MemoFormat": "746578742F757269",
          "MemoType": "5072696D617279557269"
  "nft": {
    "type": "xls14",
    "description": "Ridworld86. Rarity: Rare Legend. Amount minted: 589 units. Ridworld® Collectible NFT Card Game. Illustrator: Web Artistic.",
    "author": "Enigma",
    "primaryUri": "ipfs://bafybeigy4xiyl4zpb7lfttyx25nzyno2dsivjwsxes77dg3i65ggyffcve",
    "backupUri": null,
    "image": null,
    "data": null

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested currency (HEX or XLS-14 NFT).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
currency A currency (HEX or XLS-14 NFT)


curl ",02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836,534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000"
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function getData(json) {
bithompRequest(",02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836,534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000", getData);
$data = curl_bithomp(",02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836,534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "02090001014A4E43454C53436F6E746573743031": {
    "type": "nft",
    "currencyCode": "02090001014A4E43454C53436F6E746573743031",
    "currency": "ELSContest01",
    "cti": 2533279107010115,
    "ctiLedger": 21646915,
    "ctiTxIndex": 1,
    "ctiValid": false,
    "timestamp": 1465177060,
    "ctiTx": {
      "type": "orderCancellation",
      "account": "r4aqu2zbAdX2QQ9bdeuGwifUMhtEeqx3pY",
      "hash": "D06F5941FD8D1DFAD1A0E4B2BE227C19C0C49B6E6257B846A507E69F9AFB10AA"
    "nft": {
      "type": "xls14"
  "02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836": {
    "type": "nft",
    "currencyCode": "02C7004B041A91880000526964776F726C643836",
    "currency": "Ridworld86",
    "cti": 56013842556817800,
    "ctiLedger": 68850056,
    "ctiTxIndex": 75,
    "ctiValid": true,
    "timestamp": 1641544270,
    "ctiTx": {
      "hash": "79C0E05CB9FC2B74F0B9716C15A6E2F924DBC8658931FD96AC8B158308A9886C",
      "type": "payment",
      "account": "rGpmRmU3Q5gyhhyWLWugkPX6SA8FyqXyE5",
      "counterparty": null,
      "destination": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
      "memos": [
          "Memo": {
            "MemoData": "526964776F726C6438362E205261726974793A2052617265204C6567656E642E20416D6F756E74206D696E7465643A2035383920756E6974732E20526964776F726C64C2AE20436F6C6C65637469626C65204E465420436172642047616D652E20496C6C7573747261746F723A205765622041727469737469632E",
            "MemoFormat": "746578742F706C61696E",
            "MemoType": "4465736372697074696F6E"
          "Memo": {
            "MemoData": "456E69676D61",
            "MemoFormat": "746578742F706C61696E",
            "MemoType": "417574686F72"
          "Memo": {
            "MemoData": "697066733A2F2F626166796265696779347869796C347A7062376C667474797832356E7A796E6F32647369766A777378657337376467336936356767796666637665",
            "MemoFormat": "746578742F757269",
            "MemoType": "5072696D617279557269"
    "nft": {
      "type": "xls14",
      "description": "Ridworld86. Rarity: Rare Legend. Amount minted: 589 units. Ridworld® Collectible NFT Card Game. Illustrator: Web Artistic.",
      "author": "Enigma",
      "primaryUri": "ipfs://bafybeigy4xiyl4zpb7lfttyx25nzyno2dsivjwsxes77dg3i65ggyffcve",
      "backupUri": null,
      "image": null,
      "data": null
  "534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000": {
    "type": "hex",
    "currencyCode": "534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "currency": "SOLO"

This endpoint retrieves information for a requested currencies (HEX or XLS-14 NFT).

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
currencyList A list of currencies separated by comma (HEX or XLS-14 NFT)


Token Balances

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "counterparty": "r4VzEm7Jbgg3QkPBgMscoppz6JuzK2Jkbd",
    "balance": "7999.889334554484",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "limit": "1000000",
    "ripplingDisabled": true,
    "peer": {
      "limit": "0",
      "ripplingDisabled": true

    "counterparty": "rEvernodee8dJLaFsujS6q1EiXvZYmHXr8",
    "balance": "0.000000003153",
    "currency": "EVR",
    "limit": "1000000000",
    "ripplingDisabled": true,
    "peer": {
      "limit": "0",
      "ripplingDisabled": false
    "lock": {
      "balance": "1974",
      "count": 1

This endpoint returns trustlines (IOU/token balances), for XAHAU it is also returns the locked amounts for IOUs (in escrows) (Only available on paid API plans).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
address The address you want to get token balances for


Tx Details

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "type": "ammWithdraw",
  "address": "raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J",
  "sequence": 86780513,
  "id": "277EE666435B4A5AB50FA7391E9D202D74EB29AEE56BA8E9D82E631BFD31F41F",
  "ctid": "C547FB7700000000",
  "specification": {
    "source": {
      "address": "raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J",
      "tag": 24546893
    "asset": {
      "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
      "counterparty": "rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR"
    "asset2": {
      "currency": "XRP"
    "flags": {
      "lpToken": false,
      "withdrawAll": true,
      "oneAssetWithdrawAll": false,
      "singleAsset": false,
      "twoAsset": false,
      "oneAssetLPToken": false,
      "limitLPToken": false
  "outcome": {
    "result": "tesSUCCESS",
    "timestamp": "2024-06-10T23:26:32.000Z",
    "fee": "0.000012",
    "balanceChanges": {
      "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3": [
          "currency": "XRP",
          "value": "-6.405052"
          "counterparty": "raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J",
          "currency": "0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4",
          "value": "3975740.88133"
          "counterparty": "rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR",
          "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
          "value": "-6537178.8337"
      "raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J": [
          "counterparty": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3",
          "currency": "0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4",
          "value": "-3975740.88133"
          "counterparty": "rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR",
          "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
          "value": "6537178.833695069"
          "currency": "XRP",
          "value": "6.40504"
      "rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR": [
          "counterparty": "raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J",
          "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
          "value": "-6537178.833695069"
          "counterparty": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3",
          "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
          "value": "6537178.8337"
    "ammChanges": {
      "status": "modified",
      "ammID": "A513513E3A227FE3A7920740EC8A336C68A166881930E455E16F28EED794D867",
      "account": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3",
      "asset": {
        "currency": "XRP"
      "asset2": {
        "currency": "4252414400000000000000000000000000000000",
        "counterparty": "rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR"
      "auctionSlot": {
        "account": "rEPR5XZjXDUMy65K5qUMgGFVqqo8CiA8AU",
        "discountedFee": 39,
        "expiration": 1712919252,
        "price": {
          "currency": "0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4",
          "issuer": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3",
          "value": "10000000"
      "lpTokenBalance": {
        "currency": "0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4",
        "value": "27151566861.22734",
        "counterparty": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3"
      "tradingFee": 392,
      "ownerNode": "0",
      "voteSlots": [
          "account": "rs4HULUYNcbwCmH4KokAk7pus6wRpgtfmg",
          "tradingFee": 750,
          "voteWeight": 6411
          "account": "r9eVykdjG58vsFk99GQozRbE7LTovFG6Py",
          "tradingFee": 1000,
          "voteWeight": 636
          "account": "rH9ZRJDe1dbrJY78gXpZWbhkqz94byf2Ab",
          "tradingFee": 8,
          "voteWeight": 9129
          "account": "rwQbT25TA3NEvTAHFxmfEZkMUfQ7tYJ7T6",
          "tradingFee": 330,
          "voteWeight": 0
          "account": "rpNmRsusXxqJoaDny4B3nVTqwkE1xDEDGt",
          "tradingFee": 1000,
          "voteWeight": 531
          "account": "r9dRhoGsmBStn3qdTq3mYychrFYneR6wn5",
          "tradingFee": 850,
          "voteWeight": 1099
          "account": "rp6Ak4Z5X6HcQZpuEWHJ7esuXHcwraFFAU",
          "tradingFee": 375,
          "voteWeight": 365
      "lpTokenBalanceChange": {
        "currency": "0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4",
        "counterparty": "rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3",
        "value": "-3975740.88133"
    "ledgerVersion": 88603511,
    "indexInLedger": 0
  "rawTransaction": "{\"Account\":\"raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J\",\"Asset\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR\"},\"Asset2\":{\"currency\":\"XRP\"},\"Fee\":\"12\",\"Flags\":131072,\"LastLedgerSequence\":88603519,\"Sequence\":86780513,\"SigningPubKey\":\"03C351BAA176A52F2533C78F32FFE9C0F8C2797465752B1814BC80C0CA5C478262\",\"SourceTag\":24546893,\"TransactionType\":\"AMMWithdraw\",\"TxnSignature\":\"304402207CA0A9B2C82298727D8B988592B5CBBB8F7FD9F59A7F085E08A6BD7C8F6821D50220750024405B3BA37A810FEDE5F97667F20E2042D5705869D23CFEC9DBA3F54D51\",\"hash\":\"277EE666435B4A5AB50FA7391E9D202D74EB29AEE56BA8E9D82E631BFD31F41F\",\"ctid\":\"C547FB7700000000\",\"meta\":{\"AffectedNodes\":[{\"ModifiedNode\":{\"FinalFields\":{\"AMMID\":\"A513513E3A227FE3A7920740EC8A336C68A166881930E455E16F28EED794D867\",\"Account\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"Balance\":\"43742087143\",\"Flags\":26214400,\"OwnerCount\":1,\"Sequence\":86795583},\"LedgerEntryType\":\"AccountRoot\",\"LedgerIndex\":\"38C2F23C15911AEB239A8FD27DC1022F6CFEAC5B58AAE825EF738CBB1A1A244D\",\"PreviousFields\":{\"Balance\":\"43748492195\"},\"PreviousTxnID\":\"1DF6D18DC3BE6C63ABAF2236A9B68E807A7E13C0EEF4F82886C8912B72815EB4\",\"PreviousTxnLgrSeq\":88602916}},{\"ModifiedNode\":{\"FinalFields\":{\"Balance\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji\",\"value\":\"0\"},\"Flags\":1114112,\"HighLimit\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"value\":\"0\"},\"HighNode\":\"6\",\"LowLimit\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J\",\"value\":\"1000000000\"},\"LowNode\":\"0\"},\"LedgerEntryType\":\"RippleState\",\"LedgerIndex\":\"8DAFD598632DB249B645EA43E94B5339966B2FB5CEDA9158276498F86141645E\",\"PreviousFields\":{\"Balance\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji\",\"value\":\"3975740.88133\"}},\"PreviousTxnID\":\"634B26D4349919AF97BEF1215AA131AB07DA3B697F6F843C51A3FFD4ADF5EBB4\",\"PreviousTxnLgrSeq\":88533296}},{\"ModifiedNode\":{\"FinalFields\":{\"Balance\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji\",\"value\":\"6537179.10522535\"},\"Flags\":1114112,\"HighLimit\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR\",\"value\":\"0\"},\"HighNode\":\"194\",\"LowLimit\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"raxq4QbVoAxFkWzggx54ZPjN98oLoqQF7J\",\"value\":\"5890000000000345e-4\"},\"LowNode\":\"0\"},\"LedgerEntryType\":\"RippleState\",\"LedgerIndex\":\"9439F82DAA1AD223BBF596F6625A503BF5868C8F1FB8867CC532B032A7383240\",\"PreviousFields\":{\"Balance\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji\",\"value\":\"0.271530281\"}},\"PreviousTxnID\":\"8E90DE5C53B201A0A1F4D2ED34D4DA26A30044DFDF1D885E2B53F6F4504FC5E1\",\"PreviousTxnLgrSeq\":88533275}},{\"ModifiedNode\":{\"FinalFields\":{\"Account\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"Asset\":{\"currency\":\"XRP\"},\"Asset2\":{\"currency\":\"4252414400000000000000000000000000000000\",\"issuer\":\"rBRAD8ntFu3yFhpoo7uLjj4EbVi2UQ1EMR\"},\"AuctionSlot\":{\"Account\":\"rEPR5XZjXDUMy65K5qUMgGFVqqo8CiA8AU\",\"DiscountedFee\":39,\"Expiration\":766234452,\"Price\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"value\":\"10000000\"}},\"Flags\":0,\"LPTokenBalance\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"value\":\"27151566861.22734\"},\"OwnerNode\":\"0\",\"TradingFee\":392,\"VoteSlots\":[{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"rs4HULUYNcbwCmH4KokAk7pus6wRpgtfmg\",\"TradingFee\":750,\"VoteWeight\":6411}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"r9eVykdjG58vsFk99GQozRbE7LTovFG6Py\",\"TradingFee\":1000,\"VoteWeight\":636}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"rH9ZRJDe1dbrJY78gXpZWbhkqz94byf2Ab\",\"TradingFee\":8,\"VoteWeight\":9129}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"rwQbT25TA3NEvTAHFxmfEZkMUfQ7tYJ7T6\",\"TradingFee\":330,\"VoteWeight\":0}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"rpNmRsusXxqJoaDny4B3nVTqwkE1xDEDGt\",\"TradingFee\":1000,\"VoteWeight\":531}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"r9dRhoGsmBStn3qdTq3mYychrFYneR6wn5\",\"TradingFee\":850,\"VoteWeight\":1099}},{\"VoteEntry\":{\"Account\":\"rp6Ak4Z5X6HcQZpuEWHJ7esuXHcwraFFAU\",\"TradingFee\":375,\"VoteWeight\":365}}]},\"LedgerEntryType\":\"AMM\",\"LedgerIndex\":\"A513513E3A227FE3A7920740EC8A336C68A166881930E455E16F28EED794D867\",\"PreviousFields\":{\"LPTokenBalance\":{\"currency\":\"0369BC054184BA4C655E4197B570C2AA25AFA8E4\",\"issuer\":\"rNkJATb3PcVggEUcntMwt6b3662M1p44u3\",\"value\":\"27155542602.10867\"}}}},{\"ModifiedNode\":{\"FinalFields\":{\"Balance\":{\"currency\":\"42524144000000000000000000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This endpoint returns transaction details, including specification, outcome and rawTransaction data (Only available on paid API plans).
Page on bithomp that displays it: .

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
hash Transaction hash

Tx Decode

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "9B124C14528ED14C0BDA17075A39B90ABED598B77A22DFEEBD913CAC07A513BC",
  "signedTransaction": {
    "TransactionType": "AccountSet",
    "Flags": 2147483648,
    "Sequence": 50,
    "EmailHash": "833237B8665D2F4E00135E8DE646589F",
    "Fee": "12",
    "SigningPubKey": "03709723A5967EAAED571B71DB511D87FA44CC7CDDF827A37F457A25E14D862BCD",
    "TxnSignature": "3045022100C6A6999BD33153C6A236D78438D1BFEEEC810CFE05D0E41339B577560C9143CA022074F07881F559F56593FF680049C12FC3BCBB0B73CE02338651522891D95886F9",
    "Account": "r9onCSkYP2tYcukw2KUHMZ1Sn5YixQCgmN",
    "Memos": [
        "Memo": {
          "MemoType": "636C69656E74",
          "MemoData": "426974686F6D7020746F6F6C20762E20302E302E33",
          "MemoFormat": "706C61696E2F74657874"

This endpoint decode a signed transaction.
Page on bithomp with the same decode function, but client-side: .

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
blob A signed transaction blob to decode

Tx Submit

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
  --request POST
  --data '{"signedTransaction":"1200032280000000240000000368400000000000000C732103A71B44FD71C956C3CC0A540F2FBB577C4A300BC71244D86E4EB57220E58BFA26744730450221008D53E4188B39E8EF9953672B42C7ED3F7760F4B2FA51EC91A6EB0B693A6002B2022016384B9F552C75FD3BDE13C65E1CC3DA646AB10E3DD785EB2005620C6AF2C52B7710746573742E626974686F6D702E636F6D811485C536EFA7EAACCC51916E32FF720810A2226008F9EA7C06636C69656E747D16426974686F6D7020746F6F6C20762E20302E342E31317E0A706C61696E2F74657874E1F1","id":"BC35145B69F75FE5B41D6198D56203C2CFD2C1D968C09B09A37530CCB3AD2C6D"}'
   url: "",
   type: "POST",
   contentType: "application/json",
   headers: {
      "x-bithomp-token": "abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
   data: {
     "signedTransaction": "1200032280000000240000000368400000000000000C732103A71B44FD71C956C3CC0A540F2FBB577C4A300BC71244D86E4EB57220E58BFA26744730450221008D53E4188B39E8EF9953672B42C7ED3F7760F4B2FA51EC91A6EB0B693A6002B2022016384B9F552C75FD3BDE13C65E1CC3DA646AB10E3DD785EB2005620C6AF2C52B7710746573742E626974686F6D702E636F6D811485C536EFA7EAACCC51916E32FF720810A2226008F9EA7C06636C69656E747D16426974686F6D7020746F6F6C20762E20302E342E31317E0A706C61696E2F74657874E1F1",
     "id": "BC35145B69F75FE5B41D6198D56203C2CFD2C1D968C09B09A37530CCB3AD2C6D"
   success: function(result) {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2));
   error: function(error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like one of those:

  "result": "tesSUCCESS",
  "id": "BC35145B69F75FE5B41D6198D56203C2CFD2C1D968C09B09A37530CCB3AD2C6D"

  "result": "terNO_ACCOUNT",
  "message": "The source account does not exist.",
  "id": "BC35145B69F75FE5B41D6198D56203C2CFD2C1D968C09B09A37530CCB3AD2C6D"

  "result": "terPRE_SEQ",
  "message": "Missing/inapplicable prior transaction.",
  "id": "BC35145B69F75FE5B41D6198D56203C2CFD2C1D968C09B09A37530CCB3AD2C6D"

This endpoint returns a final status of a submitted transaction.
Page where it used on bithomp: .

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Description
id (Optional) A calculated hash of the signed transaction
signedTransaction A blob of signed transaction to submit

Historical data

Account Activations

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "span": "month",
  "period": "year",
  "chart": [
      "time": "2023-10-31T23:59:59.999Z",
      "activations": 100
      "time": "2023-11-30T23:59:59.999Z",
      "activations": 78
      "time": "2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z",
      "activations": 33834

This endpoint returns data to draw a chart of account activations (available only on the Standard plan and higher).
Page where it used on bithomp:

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
period all A time period, all time all, last hour hour, last 24h day, last 7 days week, last 30 days month, last 365 days year or as timestamps, examples: 1671490800000..1671663600000 or 2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z..2022-12-22T00:00:00.000Z
span null A time span for the chart, can be minute, hour, day, month, year, not all spans are available for large periods, for a period hour you can have minute, for periods up to 60 hours, you can have hour, day, month, for up to 60 days - day, month.


curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "count": 136,
  "inception": 1357010470,
  "ledger_index": 32570,
  "genesis_balance_all": 99999999999.99632,
  "balance_all": 483189349.682485,
  "balance_update": 1578499794,
  "genesis": [
      "address": "rBKPS4oLSaV2KVVuHH8EpQqMGgGefGFQs7",
      "genesis_balance": 370,
      "genesis_index": 1,
      "balance": 20.009958
      "address": "rLs1MzkFWCxTbuAHgjeTZK4fcCDDnf2KRv",
      "genesis_balance": 10000,
      "genesis_index": 2,
      "rippletrade": "leotreasure",
      "balance": 4507.158497


This endpoint retrieves a list of addresses from the first available ledger in XRPL history.
Page where it used on bithomp:

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
count Integer The amount of returned addresses.
inception Integer Inception UNIX timestamp.
ledger_index Integer Ledger index (the first available in history).
genesis_balance_all Float Sum of all balances in the ledger_index.
balance_all Float Sum of balances of those addresses on the balance_update time.
balance_update Integer UNIX timestamp of the last update of balances.
genesis Array Array of addresses in ledger_index.
genesis[].address String Address
genesis[].genesis_balance Float XRP balance on that genesis[].address on the time of inception.
genesis[].genesis_index Integer Index of the address in the ledger_index.
genesis[].rippletrade String Username that genesis[].address used on
genesis[].nickname String Username that genesis[].address used on or assign by Ripple (X.).
genesis[].balance Float XRP balance on that genesis[].address on the time of balance_update.

History of XRP price alerts

curl ""
  -H "x-bithomp-token: abcd-abcd-0000-abcd-0123abcdabcd"
function printData(json) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2));
bithompRequest("", printData);
$data = curl_bithomp("");
print $data;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "count": 50,
  "timestamp": 1578748266,
  "alerts": [
      "currency": "btc",
      "change": "-10.07%",
      "timestamp_old": 1578344400,
      "timestamp_new": 1578415200,
      "rate_old": 0.00002959,
      "rate_new": 0.00002661
      "currency": "btc",
      "change": "+10.02%",
      "timestamp_old": 1578297600,
      "timestamp_new": 1578327600,
      "rate_old": 0.00002616,
      "rate_new": 0.00002878


This endpoint retrieves a list of our XRP price alerts.
Page where it used on bithomp:

HTTP Request


Response Format

Field Value Description
count Integer The amount of returned alert records.
timestamp Integer UNIX timestamp for a request.
alerts Array Array of alert records.
genesis[].currency String Currency (in XRP/currency pair).
genesis[].change String Price change percentage (ex.: +10.24%).
genesis[].timestamp_old Integer Unix timestamp in seconds for the price: genesis[].rate_old.
genesis[].timestamp_new Integer Unix timestamp in seconds for the price: genesis[].rate_new.
genesis[].rate_old Float The price at genesis[].timestamp_old.
genesis[].rate_new Float The price at genesis[].timestamp_new.


The Bithomp API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The requested data not allowed for your API key.
404 Not Found -- The data not found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access API endpoint with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The data requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too often! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.